Chapter 4

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A long silence passed between the two of you, both of you refusing to break the staring contest that was taking place. How could he love you? That made no sense, you had left a long time ago and hadn't seen him since. The chills had returned, rolling down your spine in waves as his grip refused to relent. It was the look in his eyes that frightened you, you could tell he believed what he said. He really thought he was in love with you.

"I can help you remember." He whispered, "Just let me show you."

"Show me what?" You snapped, fixing him with a glare even though you felt like you were shitting yourself.

"I have some things back at my place from when we were kids, I can help you." He replied, an innocent demeanor dominating his body once again.

This was a dangerous game you were playing. There was something wrong with him, but he may have the answers you're looking for. He could have something that rekindles the embers of your memory. Maybe you could play him or outsmart him. You could go along with what he wants just until you find out what it is that's missing from your memory. And then, you run as far away as you can. Jimin had seemed harmless up until this point, you had no doubts that if you needed to you could make it away from him. He didn't seem like the type of person that would be able to harm you, but you could keep your guard up and use him to your advantage.

You took a deep breath and met his gaze. "Fine, but I'm not staying long."

Jimin's whole face lit up like the sun, his delicate finger intertwining with yours once more as he tugged you out of the cafe and into the rain. You groaned in annoyance as your hair was completely doused in water from his abrupt actions. With a child-like giggle, he pulled your hood over your head and continued to lead you down the road. You could hear him humming to himself, a tune that sounded painfully familiar. In fact, you were sure it was the one that you heard in your dream.

"Jimin? What are you humming?" You asked, squeezing his hand to gain his attention. Said man turned back to look at you as you continued walking, his hair was wet and flat against his forehead. He quickly pushed his hair away from his face and gave you a grin.

"So you can remember!" He cried, his eyes wide with excitement. "I was humming the song from the music box we used to play with when we were kids!"

"No, I still don't remember," You huffed in annoyance. Did he think you were playing some sort of game with him? That you were pretending to have forgotten your time with him? "I've been hearing it in my dreams. You just surprised me."

A pout settled on his lips as he faced forward once more, dragging you behind him. He really was strange, it was like the more time you spent with him the more he regressed into a child. It was honestly freaky and was making you regret your decision to follow him so willingly.

"Jimin, I'm really cold. I think I should just go home." You said softly, yanking on his hand. You could feel your heartbeat quickening, your body was trying to tell you that something was very wrong here.

"No! You can't leave already, we've barely spent any time together." He whined, giving you a watery puppy dog look. "Besides, we're already here."

Was he joking? The sight of weathered wood and an old emerald green door greeted you accompanied by a swinging sign that read: Serendipity Dolls. He had taken you back to the doll shop? A shiver ran down your spine as you glared at the porcelain dolls in the display window. He had to be fucking with you.

"Jimin, what game are you playing?" You grumbled, making your distaste known.

"What do you mean, sweetheart?" He cooed, stroking your knuckles with his thumb. "You know I live upstairs, that's where my grandpa used to live too. We used to have sleepovers here all the time."

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