Chapter 3

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He knew he had it bad when he began to fantasize, he didn't want you to leave the hospital, to leave him.

When he would return to his apartment at night, alone and far from you, he would think about his cabin in the mountains and how he had once enjoyed the calm and the quiet. But another part of him wished to fill it with life, with someone else. He selfishly wondered what it would be like to have you there with him, what it would be like to play his favorite records and wildly spin you around to draw out sweet trills of laughter from your throat. He wondered what it would be like to cook with you, to play fight in the kitchen together in a way he had never seen his parents do. He wondered what it would be like to hold you close, the two of you wrapped in a warm blanket with a movie playing in the background as you slowly drifted off to sleep on his chest. He wanted to wake you up every morning with breakfast in bed and see a sweet smile grasp the full flesh of your lips.

He wondered what it would be like to have you to himself. He wanted you all to himself. And each day that passed only allowed his affections to root deeper into his chest, his heart feeling hollow and numb when he was forced to leave you. You, his sweet, innocent, love.

A fond smile tugged at the corners of his lips, what a story this would make. He could picture the two of you telling it to your families as years passed. The story of how he saved you, cared for you, and loved you.

He was undeniably sick, and how ironic was that? Of all people to be as sick as he was, it was him.

Doctor Kim Seokjin was deeply disturbed, that was the inevitable truth. The way he felt was horribly wrong, there could never be a relationship between the two of you - not the one that he wanted. There were ten years separating the two of you, a whole life you still had to live, and the deep sleep you rested in that prevented you from ever knowing him. And, of course, he was your doctor. His ultimate goal should be to heal you, not crave for you.

Jin had a war raging in his mind, the one side telling him to never leave you, and the other side screaming at him how unethical this was. He was not stupid, far from it in fact, but he had been cursed with an affliction he never could have anticipated.

He was sick.

He had been sitting in a chair opposite your hospital bed, his elbows propped on his knees as he rested his head in his hands. There was a steady beat thrumming throughout his skull, the beginning of a migraine making itself known. He was at a loss as of what to do, he was torn. His fingers wove into his hair, tightening around the strands as his right leg bounced in anxiety. He needed a sign, something to tell him what the hell he should do now because the answer felt like it was far beyond his reach. He just needed something to go on, anything.

"Hello?" A voice called, despite its quiet nature it felt cacophonous as it shattered the silence that once hung heavy in the room.

Jin jerked at the sound, his hands falling free from his head as he shot up out of the chair. You were awake. Your eyes fluttered open before pressing shut, they were heavy from sleep and the fluorescent lights stun your tender eyes.

His heart was pounding violently, adrenaline shooting through his body as he saw you awake for the first time. You looked like a sleepy kitten, adorable and small in the bed that housed you. And your eyes, they were as gorgeous as he had thought they would be.

"Where - where am I?" You choked out, your throat dry from lack of use. Without a second thought, he rushed to your bedside, his hands coming to rest on the rail of the bed as he looked over you.

"You're in the hospital, sweetheart." He cooed, as you struggled to keep your eyes open.

"Why? What happened?" You managed to say, your body stilling as you finally came to.

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