Chapter 2

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"Hello?! Are you listening to me?! He wants to meet up with you to discuss your role and see if you're interested! I gave him your number so expect him to contact you, and for the love of God don't fall asleep!" She cried into the phone, her voice stressed and annoyed. Your agent was young and ambitious, she wanted the best for you, and if you screwed this up that would be the death sentence of your career.

"Yes, I'm listening! This is a lot to throw at me all at once!" You yelped in response.

"That's the business, baby! I gotta go, his agent's been emailing all day about the details of this role. I'll talk to you later, stay awake!" She said, her line cutting off promptly. That was just like her, speedy and efficient. Sometimes she seemed to move faster than the world around her, and you admired her for her efforts.

To your surprise, you had missed messages from an unknown number. Your heart hammered as you opened your messages. Right off the bat, you knew it was him. His first text was simply your name followed by a question mark and the rest followed suit.

"Your agent gave me your number, I'm Kim Taehyung." His second message read.

"I wanted to contact you and see if you were interested in joining me as my co-star for my newest production. If you are, I would love to meet up with you. I'm set to meet the producers at four, so whenever you're free feel free to send me a message."

You honestly didn't know what to expect from him. You were caught up in the fact that you now had the number of the most sought-after man and were set to meet him while at the same time being giddy like a teenager. He seemed like any other guy from the texts he had sent you, and you had to remind yourself that he was just like any other person. He just had fame, good looks, and more money than you would ever know what to do with. No big deal.

Your eyes drifted towards the full-length mirror nestled in the corner of your apartment. You could see your sleep ridden from tangled in the mess of blankets that cluttered your bed. You did not look remotely ready to see the most important person you would ever meet. You hesitantly stared at your phone, contemplating what would be a suitable response. Your fingers danced awkwardly over the keyboard, unsure of what you could say that wouldn't make you seem too excitable, too cold, or too awe-struck. You couldn't count how many times you deleted messages you were about to send before you finally settled on the best one.

"Hey, I'm definitely interested in discussing the work with you! I'm free any time after 1:30 to meet up." There, friendly yet professional. That should do it.

Seconds after you sent the text, your phone lit up with a response that was startling fast. Had he been waiting for your answer?

All he had sent you was a location and a time followed by: "I'll see you then."

Holy shit, this was really happening. You were actually going to meet him and possibly even work with him if he found you to be a good fit. Fuck, you needed to get ready and that was going to be a whole other ordeal for the time being. The majority of the time you spent getting ready was devoted to what the fuck you were going to wear. How does one dress when they are going to meet a man who has done it all? In Particular, he was a model. How were you supposed to dress to meet a model? The man was the face of Gucci for fucks sake!

Your hand settled over your heart, it was thumping wildly as you tried to calm yourself. You could feel nervous butterflies fluttering in your stomach. You needed to pull it together, you couldn't afford to lose this opportunity. This is your last chance. You finally composed yourself, choosing an outfit that was comfortable yet professional and applying a light layer of makeup. You were fine, and you could do this. The key to success is confidence, and you had it. That was of course until it was flung out the window the moment you saw him in person for the first time.

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