Chapter 6

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"Other than that, things will go exactly how you expect them too. As long as you do your part, everything will be just fine." She smiled as you opened your eyes once more.

You felt her hands lightly smoothe your freshly styled hair, a fond look gracing her kind features. You felt a strange connection to her, you supposed it had to do with your shared experiences. She was taking on the role of a twisted mentor, imparting some of her "wisdom" onto you to help you as best she could.

The part you were most scared of came next, the dress. You tried your best not to look at yourself as the chiffon and lace slid smoothly over your bare skin. It was cool to the touch, light and airy unlike most dresses you had seen brides wear. By all rights it was stunning, you only wished you didn't have to wear it if it meant that you would be walking down the aisle towards a man you never dreamt of being yours.

You wore no veil, and for that you were thankful. You couldn't stand the thought of Jungkook having to lift it from your face like you had seen done before time and time again. Instead, a halo of white carnations and fabric butterflies graced the crown of your head. They were real, their scent fresh and welcoming. A part of you ached at the thought of them withering away, their stems having been sliced apart. They were beautiful, but would only be that way for a fraction of time.

You seated yourself on the edge of the bed, your bare feet gently grazing the silk of the comforter. Your heart was pounding wildly, this was a different type of fear you had never felt before. It was the anxiety of having to provide a performance for all of Jungkook's family and the knowledge that you couldn't run.

Mrs. Jeon knelt down to the floor, a soft groan falling from her painted lips as she felt the ache in her knees. She reached a slender arm out underneath the bed, retrieving a white box tied closed with a satin ribbon. You looked on in curiosity as she carefully untied the bow and set the ribbon on the mattress.

"I wore these, Jungkook's grandmother wore them, and the women before her." She explained as she tugged the lid of the box free.

Upon seeing what laid inside the box, tears immediately began to prick at the corners of your eyes, your heart pounding wildly against your ribcage. Your shaky hand came up to cup your mouth to stifle any cries that attempted to escape. Held between the soft hands of your captor's mother was a set of leg cuffs, each cuff meant to be sealed around your ankles that were held together by a length of chain that would prevent you from taking the strides you would need to run. They were treating you like a prisoner.

"I-I can't put those on," You choked, "Please, please don't make me do it." You sobbed, shuffling away from her as best you could.

"Oh, sweetie." She cooed, setting them back down into the box and bringing you into her motherly embrace. "It's only for a short while, I promise they'll be off by your first dance. And they're not as heavy as they look and no one will see them under your dress."

"I don't want to." You sniffled as her fingers gently tapped away the tears in an attempt to stop your makeup from running.

"I know, neither did I." She sighed, pressing a kiss to your hair. "Jungkook thought you didn't need them but my husband thought it would be for the best."

You froze at what she said. His father wanted this.

"He's a man of tradition for sure." She giggled, rubbing your shoulders in an attempt to relax you. "It'll be quicker than you think, trust me."

There was no room for debate, you had learned that quickly with the Jeon family. They always got their way and never took no for an answer. You experienced that first hand. So, all you could do was close your eyes, clench your fists, and tense your jaw as she snapped the cold metal cuffs around each of your ankles.

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