Chapter 7

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He had tried his best to remain calm, to respond with a warm smile and kind eyes as he firmly said, "No."

His tone was the polar opposite of his expression, and that itself was fear-inducing.

"No?" You echoed, your mouth set in a frown. Something was telling you that that was a word you did not hear often. And fuck, did you hate the way it sounded coming out of his mouth. You refused to be denied.

"Of course you can't leave, princess. Look at you, you're still injured. How do you expect us to go anywhere in your condition?"

"I don't know, with a wheelchair or crutches? Like a normal person?" You replied, the sarcasm evident in your voice.

"I'm afraid not, you're still far too weak to be using those. Princess, you were just in an accident, you need to spend all of your time resting and healing. The more you rest, the quicker you heal. As your doctor, and as your husband, I need you to trust me on this one." He said, his voice sounded strained like he was holding himself back from something.

You huffed in annoyance, crossing your arms over your chest. You were antsy, you hated being cooped up in the house with nothing to do but stay in bed and stare at the same walls and windows every day. Not to mention, your ass was getting sore from all of the sitting you had been doing as of late.

"Can we at least go outside?" You asked in an attempt to compromise. That was what couples did, right? They compromised when they couldn't come to a decision. You hated the cold and you hated snow, but you would bear it if it meant a change of scenery and fresh air. Albeit cold air.

That tense smile returned to his face, you could already sense his answer before he even vocalized it.


"And why the fuck not?!" You yelled, slamming your open palms against the mattress in a show of fury.

"Don't you fucking raise your voice at me!" He yelled back, the sound so loud and unexpected that you flinched.

You hadn't heard him yell before and you had never seen him snap or lash out. He had appeared to be calm and sweet by nature, which was apparently far from the truth. Your heart was thudding violently in your chest as you stared up at him, suddenly feeling much smaller than before. You were scared.

Jin sighed as he took in your state, your eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights. He hadn't meant to lash out at you, but you had been so adamant on leaving that he wasn't able to keep a lid on his anxiety and his anger. The last thing he wanted was for you to be scared of him, and he wasn't doing a very good job of ensuring that.

He anxiously ran his fingers through his hair as he breathed in and out once more in an attempt to gather himself.

"Princess..." He trailed off as he slowly rounded the bed and took a seat on your side, reaching out to take a hold of the hand that housed your engagement ring. "I'm not trying to be the bad guy. I just want to take care of you and I want you to trust me when it concerns your condition."

You did not respond, your eyes looking anywhere but him at that moment. You didn't like being yelled at, it was another thing that couldn't have been a common occurrence before your lapse of memory.

Your silence spurred another sigh from his pink lips.

"Soon, I promise, we can leave soon." He whispered, his thumb rubbing soothing circles into the flesh of the inside of your wrist. "Just give yourself time to rest."

You nodded numbly, still refusing to meet his gaze.

That was when he realized that he had fucked up good. You were either pissed at him, or you were scared of him. Maybe even a mixture of both. And that was the last thing he wanted. He wanted you to love him more than anything, but he couldn't have that if you were scared of him. So that meant that he had to make it up to you, somehow.

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