Chapter 4

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He hadn't felt an ounce of guilt in his body as he removed your IV and detached you from the monitors, or when he cradled you to his chest before setting you down into a waiting wheelchair, or as he exited the hospital and helped you into the back seat of the car, propping your leg up on a few hospital pillows. He was waiting for it to hit him, that feeling of guilt that would settle so deep into your stomach and nauseate you until you spilled the truth in an attempt to quell the sickness that had rooted itself into you. But it never came, much to his surprise. Jin was very conscious of the fact that what he was doing was morally and ethically wrong, it was a kidnapping. But, you had never explicitly told him "no." You had not fought him the entire time as he led you out of the dead unit in the early hours of the morning.

But you were inquisitive and every bit the amount of princess he had expected you to be. You kept him on his toes, balancing between telling you sweet lies and keeping you comfortable.

He had laughed softly in the dark early hours as he watched delicate snowflakes descend from the void sky, propping the car door open before coming to a stop to take in the sight and the feeling of the brisk air. To him, it was a sign of new beginnings. But for you, the opposite could be said.

You had crossed your arms over your chest in an attempt to protect yourself from the chill of the cold climate, having only your thin hospital gown and Jin's jacket wrapped around your shoulders for protection. Your form looked frail as you shook and your teeth chattered together noisily, your gaze narrowing in disgust as the small flecks of white melted as they touched the heat of your skin.

Jin pivoted on his heel as a hiss left your lips. "Something wrong?" He asked, confused.

You nodded swiftly, "It's cold, I don't like it."

He quickly took in your attire before comically smacking his own forehead. "God, I'm stupid. You must be freezing huh princess?" He tisked before sliding his arms underneath your legs and gently setting you down into the back seat and wrapping a blanket around you.

"Jin, turn the heat on." You ordered as he slid into the driver's seat, the car door shutting with a sound click before all four doors were locked. Child safety locks? Really?

"What, no please?" He chuckled, you could see his eyes crinkle from the smile that had found its way to his plush lips.

"Please?" You echoed in confusion, the word felt strange and bitter on your lips. You didn't really like it all that much either.

"Well, it's only polite if I'm your chauffeur, miss." He replied as he began to back out of the parking spot. "You act like you've never said it before, a little spoiled princess."

You sunk your teeth into your lower lip, wincing as you re-opened an old wound. You married him for a reason, right? Then why did that bother you so much? When he called you spoiled and corrected you? Surely he had to be joking around, it was definitely in his nature. Or, just maybe, you were the one that had changed. It would make sense wouldn't it, you couldn't remember anything for the life of you. Jin was the only one you had and supposedly the only one who could help you remember what your life with him was like. You were the one that was acting strange, surely that was the answer.

"Jin?" You asked, your voice missing the bite it had moments before as trees began whipping by outside the windows. You were amused by the fact that you had been in an accident, but you couldn't find it in yourself to be scared of something you couldn't remember. Driving didn't frighten you like it probably would have had you remembered the crash.

"Yeah, princess?" He hummed, gently twisting the volume dial of the radio down. You couldn't recognize who the song was by, but you knew it was classical from the sound.

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