Chapter 3

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That night you barely got any sleep. Every time you closed your eyes you heard things that seemed so familiar yet foreign. There was screaming, that much you could make out. There were flashes of light swinging over your face and the feeling of a hand gripping your shoulder. And then there was the music box, a soft and light melody that replayed in your head each time your eyes slipped closed. It followed you no matter where you ran in your dream, only ending when a blinding pain shot through the back of your head and your body jerked awake. You were slick with sweat, your hair matted down to your scalp, and your heartbeat quickly against your ribs. This wasn't the first time you had dealt with this dream, and you were sure it wouldn't be the last.

But how could something you couldn't remember frighten you so much? You cradled your head in your hands as you groaned in frustration. Something wasn't adding up, you had been perfectly fine before you even thought about visiting and now you were being tormented in your sleep. With a huff, you raised your head back up and looked around the room. Your heart jolted as you laid eyes on the object resting on the dresser. It was the doll, the one that you had just bought for your grandmother. You shakily raised yourself from the bed and edged your way around the room to the door. You felt like its watery gaze was burning into you.

"Grandma?!" You called, speed walking down the hallway to her living room. "Grandma, how did that thing get in my room?"

"What thing? Do you mean Veronica? I didn't have any more room for her on my shelves so I put her in your room. I didn't think you would mind." She replied, her eyes never leaving the television as she took a sip from her mug full of lemon tea.

"A little warning would have been nice." You sighed in relief. "I thought the thing was possessed."

"Oh stop it, that's nonsense." She laughed, finally looking up at you from her little armchair. "You watch too many movies, sweetheart."

You frowned at her as you ruffled your messy hair, your fear was perfectly normal. Now that the fear had left your body, you were able to collect yourself. Something was telling you that you needed to find Jimin. It was obvious that he knew something, and there seemed to be gaps in your memory. Your grandmother seemed so sure of her stories of you and Jimin as children, that you two had been playmates. And that dream you had, it felt more like a memory than something your head had made up. You needed to find answers.

For most of the day, you stayed home with your grandmother. You owed it to her, to spend some time with her. Moments like these were rare, far and few in between. It was later in the evening when you had become restless, your curiosity spurring you to finally leave the cottage. You yelled out a quick goodbye over your shoulder as you shuffled your raincoat back on. The rain from yesterday hadn't let up, in fact, what had once been a light mist was now a gentle shower. You quickly flipped your hood up and jerked the front door open, halting at the sight of the person in front of you. It was Jimin, his fist half-raised like he was about to knock on the door.

"Jimin?" You spoke, confused at his sudden appearance. It was almost like he knew that you were looking for him.

"Hi," He smiled, his cheeks scrunching up cutely beneath his round spectacles. He looked different from yesterday, younger even. He had a raincoat settled over a large cream-colored sweater paired with a long chain that had a small key settled at the bottom."Remember how I said you owe me? I was hoping you'd come to this cafe with me."

Well if the universe hadn't just given you the chance you needed then you'd be damned. "Yeah, that sounds good just let me grab my phone."

"No need, we'll be back before you know it." He said with a convincing smile. You nodded, stepping out onto the front porch and swinging the door shut behind you. It still needed to charge anyways.

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