Chapter 7

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His eyes slid closed once more, practice patient draws of air filling the silence once more. The uncomfortable tightness of his pants was apparent as well as the knowledge there wasn't much he could do about it. But, the last thing he wanted to do was hurt you so he decided he wouldn't be a little bitch and complain about his discomfort. Once he had composed himself as much as he could, his eyes reopened and stared back at you. You, his sweet forbidden fruit.

"I think it's time I get going." He whispered to you, inching backward off of the bed.

A flash of panic crossed your face as you rose to your knees, your hands grasping his wrist once more not unlike the two previous times you had done so. "Please, don't leave me alone."

There it was again, that same phrase you had uttered the first time he had left you on your doorstep. Your eyes were just as big and pleading as they had been the first time, but now they were paired with your flushed cheeks and sweet lips. How could he say no again when it had been painful the first time as well?

Without saying another word he gently removed your hand from his wrist and crossed the room, twisting the lock of your door so that your privacy together would go uninterrupted. He turned again and came to a stop at the end of your bed. He slipped his jacket off of his shoulders before folding it perfectly and setting it aside. He undid the top three buttons of his shirt and unbuckled his belt, sliding it free from his pants. Finally, he toed his boots off and set them down by the foot of your bed for when he would leave.

"Ever had a sleepover, sweet thing?" He joked, a charming smile gracing his lips. You were shocked by the sight, having grown accustomed to the dry and forced smiles he had used before. His true smile was heart-achingly beautiful, you knew it would quickly become something you would always want to see.

Hoseok peeled back your sheets, sliding into them like he was meant to be there. A soft smile had found its way to your face as you turned on your side and faced him. This was a sight you could get used to seeing. Funnily enough, he was thinking the same thing. Without a second thought, you closed the distance between the two of you and buried yourself into the warmth of his chest. You had become so amused by this, everything seemed so cold and frigid without him, he had so quickly become your sun; your source of warmth and light in the darkness of your cell. How could you ever live again the way you had before after seeing the sun for the first time?

His arm curled around your waist and kept you there, tucked into his chest. You were certain nothing would ever make you want to leave this moment. Not when for the first time in so long you had become freed from the crushing weight of loneliness. But, if only you had known how quickly things could change. Trapped in a child-like paradise, you were so sure that nothing could possibly go wrong. Until it did.


When you woke up, he was gone. The only sign he had actually been there was the scent of him that had been trapped in your sheets. That much told you you weren't completely crazy and had imagined everything that had taken place only hours earlier. You carefully rolled over onto his side, pressing your face into the pillow he had laid on. How ridiculous you must have looked.

A sharp knock to your door had you rolling out of bed, curious as to what all the commotion was about.

"Come on, we need to talk." It was your dad. He was the more level-headed one out of the two of your parents, although that wasn't saying much considering how he had agreed with your mother on keeping you contained in the house for all of your life.

"I'll be down." You called through the door, waiting to hear his retreating steps before you did anything else.

Once he had left, you finally took a good look at yourself. And fuck were you a mess. Your hair was disheveled, an absolute mess. But that wasn't the worst of your problems, no, the set of bruises lining your throat were far more problematic.

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