Chapter 6

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The four of you watched him in shock as he walked away, not expecting anything like that to happen. Genevieve had a thin hand resting over her heart, those blue eyes wide in fright as her chest rose and fell with panicked breaths. Her eyes slipped shut as she tried to regain control of herself. The poor woman was beyond scared. When her eyes opened again, she had tried her best to compose herself. She knocked on the door, successfully this time, and opened it with Namjoon's approval. Hoseok and your brother guided you into the room, revealing Namjoon leaning against the front of his large desk with a smile and his dimples on full display. The smug bastard. He had grown into himself, the thin teenager from your childhood long gone. He was tall, his shoulders broader than before, tan skin, and a deceptively charming smile. He had all the makings of a young crime boss.

You felt Hoseok's grip loosen on you as he received a pointed look from Namjoon, it was one that clearly said don't touch what is mine. Like a petulant child, he didn't want to share his toys. A sudden satisfied smile settled upon his lips as he took in the sight of you being escorted not only by one of his most trusted men but by your brother himself.

He called out your brother's name, his head tilting back as he spoke. "You can leave now, I'll take care of her from here."

Your brother tensed, the discomfort evident on his face. You watched as Hoseok whispered something to him, his hand tapping his back in comfort. Your brother nodded begrudgingly, his gaze connecting with yours momentarily before stepping out of the office space. He looked so guilt-ridden, like he had led the lamb to the slaughter. You trembled as the doors slammed shut, you were left trapped and alone with him.

You kept your gaze adhered to the polished floor, refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing you. You could hear the shuffling of clothing as he pushed off of the desk, his shoes tapped and echoed in the room as he slowly approached you like he would spook you and you would dart. Two perfectly clean shoes appeared in your eye line, he was so close you could feel the warmth of his breath and body in the same instance. You swallowed harshly as you pressed your eyes shut, why were you cowering? He said he wanted you all of those years ago, and you had agreed. But that didn't mean you had to be some submissive coward, did it? No, it didn't.

You raised your head and looked him dead in the eyes. You had misjudged the distance between you, in fact he was much closer than you had determined before. From a distance, his eyes were so dark it was hard to make out the separation of the pupil and the iris. But you could see it, and you were very aware of how much you wanted to take a step backwards. But that would be a sign of fear and weakness, and you didn't want him to see that. Not when so much of your dignity had already been dragged around and beaten to a pulp.

"I missed you." He breathed, a serene expression settling over his features. It was strange how quickly he had turned from such a smug man to a young boy all over again. And all because he owned you.

"I know," You replied stiffly, your jaw clenched in irritation. "You aren't exactly subtle."

A laugh left his chest at your words, his hand coming up to grab your own. His dimples were prominent when he smiled, how could someone so dangerous and so terrible have something so innocent? You could feel his fingers trying to intertwine with your own as you awkwardly shook him off of you. You clasped your hands behind your back as you moved away from him, pretending to look at the room. You could feel his gaze burning into your back as you circled the office, it felt like a hunter watching its prey.

"Subtlety has never been my forte. When I want something, I take it. You know that." He said, his voice lower than before as he too began to circle the room behind you. He was domineering, good at making you feel smaller than you really were. It was no wonder how he had grown a low-level street gang into an underground business.

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