Chapter 9

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You looked up, ready to answer only to be stopped by something splattering on your face. Your eyes widened in horror as you realized what happened. In seconds, a bullet went flying through her head, blood spraying your face in the process. You began heaving, tears blurring your vision as her lifeless body dropped to the floor. You could hear people screaming, running over one another as they tried to get away. Some even trampled her corpse. You could feel the bile rising up in your throat as your eyes focused in on the pool of blood forming beneath her head and spilling out of her mouth.


A scream ripped through your chest as you felt someone grab onto you and throw you over their shoulder. As you were carried away you were forced to watch the carnage unfold. There was so much blood, it was painting the floor and the walls scarlet. The music had cut off but the lights were violently pulsing turning the entire scene into a horror movie. There was a huge crowd at the door getting caught in the crossfire as they all desperately tried to shove their way to the exit. You flinched as a window was shattered, glass slicing your skin as more bullets ricocheted throughout the club. All you could do was watch as more people fell, bodies forming piles in one writhing mass.

They were all dead.

You were pulled into the darkness of the alleyway, the fire exit door shutting and concealing the horror inside. But you could still see it all, the blood everywhere and the people screaming. There was no coming back from this, your fear bombarding all of your senses as you froze into a silent mess.

"I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry. I know that's all I say, but this is all my fucking fault. If I had just been a good kid, a good brother then this would have never happened to you."

Your brother. He had found you.

"I'm going to make this right, I promise you. I love you, I know I never say it but I love you so much. I need you to know that, alright?" He said, forcing your blank gaze to meet his eyes that were glazed over in tears.


That was how you had found yourself in an interrogation room, violently scribbling down what you had seen that night. Your fear so strong that you couldn't even speak. The last thing you had seen was your brother smiling at you, he hadn't smiled in so long. He had told you he would make things right, and he had handed you off to the authorities before disappearing. You didn't know where he went, but you hoped he had gotten far away. If he did, then that was one less thing Namjoon could hold over your head.

The detectives had tried to calm you down, your state so severe you couldn't focus on anything. It was early when you were allowed to leave, two officers accompanying you outside to give you a ride home to your dorm. You couldn't go to your parents and endanger them, that was the last thing you wanted. You had to get your stuff and get far away. The officers tried to calm you further, telling you that they would be stationed outside your dorm and that there would be nothing to worry about. But you knew there was little time before he found you again and more people ended up dying.

And you were right, of course, you were. Your hand was wrapped around the handle of your suitcase when you heard a noise sound off twice. It sounded strange, like a fast intake of air. Before you could move, your dorm door was flung open. There stood Hoseok, his bright hair still affecting you even worse than before the incident. You noticed a bruise on his jaw, when you broke free from him earlier you must have shoved him into something. He was undoubtedly pissed, his eyes dark and his jaw set.

"Don't make this harder than it has to be. He's already fucking fuming, if you know what's good for you you'll be good and come with me." He grunted, your eyes catching sight of the gun and silencer fixed to the muzzle. You nodded numbly, releasing your suitcase as you followed him out of the room. His hand quickly fixed to the back of your neck in warning, it made you feel like nothing but a dog. How ironic.

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