Chapter 3

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You were being asked, personally, to be a lead in a show written by the Kim Taehyung. And not only that, but you would be sharing the screen together. This meant many things, obviously, this would launch your career to new heights that you never anticipated would come to fruition. Secondly, you would be acting alongside the biggest celebrity of your generation. But, thirdly, there would be many people who would loathe you.

Sure, Taehyung had shared the screen with many female leads but this storyline was going to be far different. It was dark, unrelenting, and jealousy-inducing. You had seen other actresses treated poorly by his fanbase, their jealousy raging at the sight of him holding a woman. You feared what their reaction would be to seeing you, a nobody, sharing the screen with their idol.

Your cheeks burned hot as you carefully retracted your hands from his grip, reaching out to grasp and cradle the script he had delivered. His dark eyes tracked your movements with intensity, his tongue coming out to wet his bottom lip. Was everything he did insanely hot?

"I know normally this wouldn't be allowed, but do you think I could take this home and read it over before I make my decision?" You asked, eyes wide and begging. Hey, if you had to stoop that low to ensure you were making the right choice then fuck it you would go as low as the center of the earth.

His long lashes fluttered, he seemed taken aback and maybe even flustered. Had the tables turned that quickly? He bit his lip in thought and lightly nodded his head in agreement causing a smile to curl into your cheeks.

"I understand that you need to make an informed decision," He mused after shaking his head lightly. "If you don't tell then I won't." He winked, your heart hammering in response. Dammit, he was good.


That night, you sat curled in your mess of sheets with a cup of tea steaming on your nightstand and the script in hand. Looking at Taehyung, you would never know he was capable of writing something so dark, so creepy, and twisted. Chills wracked through your body with each turn of the page. The main plot followed what would be you and him. He would be taking on the role of, as he said, your stalker. Your character would be, ironically, an accomplished idol with a large fan base. Taehyung would be your personal nightmare, making shady deals to find your whereabouts, showing up to your hotel room, stealing your possessions, leaving strange notes, murdering those who got too close to you. It was some pretty intense shit.

And there was even more to come if you accepted this role. And in all honesty, you were considering taking it for many reasons. Acting with Taehyung would be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and this would launch your dying career. That may sound selfish but you deserved that didn't you? Anyone, man or woman would be crazy to deny this role.

So, that was that. You were decided. You reached for your phone and typed out a quick answer.

"I'm in." Sent.

You relaxed your tense shoulders, fingers drumming against the thick paper resting on your lap. It was final, you were going to do it. All risks aside, you had made your decision for better or worse. Your relaxation came to an abrupt end when harsh knocks sounded against your door causing you to jolt from your seated position. Hesitantly you approached the door, desperately trying to avoid the creaky floorboards on the tips of your toes. You held your breath as you looked out the peephole, no one was there.

You swiftly opened the door and popped your head out into the hallway. Still, there was no one. You stepped out into the hallway, jerking back as your foot brushed against something on the floor. Laying on the carpet in front of your door you were faced with a familiar sight, a piece of scarlet paper with elegant handwriting. You crouched down, swiping the paper and throwing yourself back into the safety of your apartment.

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