Chapter 5

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He had been settled into the lounge chair in the corner of the room when you returned. You looked more tired than you had before, your one hand looked stiff and uncomfortable after signing so many albums. He wanted to reach out and rub each delicate bone until the pain went away. You hadn't noticed him as you opened up your travel bag, removing a change of clothes that would help hide your identity as you were smuggled out the back of the location the fansign was held at. He didn't say a word as you checked over your appearance in the mirror, tapping at the makeup under your eyes as his presence still went unnoticed. It was when you began changing your clothes that things began to escalate. You had just removed your shirt when he made himself known.

The soft call of your name made you jump, your arms immediately crossing over your chest at the sound of another person's voice. The panic and the fear was evident on your face as you realized who it was that had called out to you, it was that fan from before. You stumbled backwards in panic as he rose to his feet, crossing the room in quick strides. Your mouth fell open, ready to release a scream that he just knew would be as melodic and beautiful as your voice was. But, he couldn't allow more of your time together to be wasted. His hand quickly sealed over your mouth as he pushed you back into the wall, cutting off any escape route. Your beautiful eyes were wide with anxiety and fear as you trembled beneath his touch.

"Hi, baby." He hummed, his gaze tracing over the exposed curves of your body as he desperately tried to file everything he was seeing away in his memory. He was the only one who would get to see you like this, he wasn't just another fan not when this sight was exclusively for him. You squealed in response, jerking away from his wandering touch. Tears were shining in your eyes as you could do nothing but endure his touch and his greedy gaze.

"I did what I was supposed to, right? That's what you meant when you signed my album, right? I was supposed to find you, and I did. I knew you felt it too, that it wasn't just me that realized there was something deeper between the two of us. I've been watching and waiting for years, learning everything about you so that I could be perfect for you.You said it yourself, you would only date a fan as cute as me. No one can love you better than I can." He said, his words coming out fast and frantic as he tried to meet your eyes. You were shaking harder now, your eyes clenched shut as tears poured down your cheeks and onto the skin of his hand.

Those dark eyes followed the stream of tears running down your face, becoming entranced by the sight before him. Without any thought, he leaned forward and licked a stripe from the top of his hand to the skin beneath your eyes tasting the salty tear on the tip of his tongue. You jumped again in disgust and panic, recoiling so hard you knocked your head back into the wall behind you. He tilted his head back in ecstasy, a moan breaking free from his lips at the taste that tainted his tongue. A twisted part of him hoped that piece of you would be inside of him forever, that that single tear would tie the two of you together for an eternity.

There was a long silence held between the two of you, the room only being filled by his harsh pants of air and your choked sobs. He knew there wasn't much time until security came to collect you, and he refused to waste these precious moments he had with you. Without any warning he ripped his hand free from your mouth and sealed his own lips to yours in a hungry kiss. He was having none of that. He freed one hand to curl in the hair at the base of your neck and pin you in place while his other hand wrapped around one of your wrists, you could feel his tongue rolling over your lower lip as he groaned in delight.

"Cut!" The director called, allowing your body to relax from it's previous tension. But, despite the call of the director, Taehyung did not move. He stayed exactly where he was with his lips sealed tightly to your own. For a moment you thought he hadn't heard the classic call that always ended a scene, but he was very much aware just unwilling to part ways from you. You rested your hands on his shoulders and gave him a squeeze before jerking your head to the side to breathe in a gulp of air. You could feel his forehead fall to your shoulder as his body shuddered with each breath that he took.

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