Male Fantasy

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[Another spicy chapter uh oh!]

"So let me get this straight," Shelby giggled as her perfectly manicured hand grasped her half-empty wine glass. "You went back to his room, he fucked you, ordered you french fries, and then you sucked his dick while he ate the french fries?"

"You make it sound like it's some weird french fry kink," Camila laughed. "We were just eating french fries on his bed, only partially dressed. I realized I didn't get to suck his dick so...I did."

"Oh god. And here I was worried that you'd get too attached to him. Maybe he's the one I need to be worried about getting too attached..."

"Oh, shut up!"

"I'm serious, C! I'm pretty sure that's the definition of 'male fantasy'. You're like...every guy's dream."

"Well clearly that's not true," Camila sighed. "I can think of one guy who would apparently prefer to have every girl but me." Shelby immediately rolled her eyes at Camila's mention of her ex.

"Didn't I make a rule on the plane that you're not allowed to think about him while we're here? I'm pretty sure I did..."

"Sorry." Camila took a sip of her own wine.

"So when are you seeing Mr. Sheet-Soaker again?"

"Okay," Camila slammed her hands down on the table. "That's it. I'm not giving you any more details about anything ever." Shelby threw her head back in laughter.

"It's funny! Admit it!"

"It's not! Shelb, I was mortified."

"Mortified, but satisfied."

"Shut up. And to answer your question, he asked if I could meet him at the beach for sunrise."

"Ooh! Morning sex and beach sex all wrapped up into one? That's hot. Wait, so did you agree to meet him?"

"Obviously," Camila shrugged. "Might as well enjoy him while I have him."

"To enjoying what we have!" Shelby raised her wine glass in the air for a toast. Camila followed suit, their glasses clinking together before they both took a sip.

Camila started to regret agreeing to meet him when she realized how early she had to wake up in order to make it. She was on vacation — you aren't supposed to wake up early on vacation. She reminded herself that it would be worth it, though. At least she hoped it would be.

Not knowing what to wear for the occasion, she slipped on a cream-colored mini dress. She typically only wore it as a cover-up for her more skimpy swimsuits, but for this occasions she opted to just wear it like a dress.

 She typically only wore it as a cover-up for her more skimpy swimsuits, but for this occasions she opted to just wear it like a dress

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Deciding to leave her phone in her room, she grabbed her room key and headed down to the beach.

Shawn hadn't given her an exact location to meet him at but luckily with so few people on the beach at such an early hour, he wasn't hard to spot. She couldn't help but blush at the way his face lit up with a smile when he saw her.

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