Double That

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"This time flew by," Camila noted, staring down at Posie in her arms. She'd be reunited with her mother today.

"It really did." Shawn pulled a sweater on over his head. "How do you feel about it?"

"Sad that she won't be here with us anymore. But also, incredibly happy knowing she'll be with her mom again. I can't imagine what her mother has been feeling these past couple months. Honestly, I think going into this knowing that she wasn't gonna stay with us helped a lot with the mental preparation for today."

"You sure you don't wanna go with me?" He asked, peeking over at her from the corner of his eye.

"I'm sure. I still think I'd cry in the moment." She chuckled quietly to herself, brushing her fingers over the soft hairs on the top of the baby's head. He smiled softly and nodded. Shawn finished getting ready while Camila said her goodbyes to the little baby girl that had been living with them for the past two months. She had spent that whole morning packing everything they had bought for Posie over the past several weeks into bags for the mother to have. Camila carried the baby into Maggie's room, where the toddler was sitting on her bed flipping through the pages of a book. "You wanna say goodbye to baby Posie?"

"Yeah!" She jumped up, running over just as Camila squatted down in the doorway. Maggie kissed the top of Posie's head gently before petting her hair. "Goodbye baby! You're very cute! Have fun with your mom!" Camila laughed, standing up again and walking back towards her and Shawn's bedroom. He was sitting on the edge of their bed tying his shoes. She sat next to him, Posie still in her arms.

"I have such mixed emotions about this."

"That's normal," he assured her. "It's hard to say goodbye to someone you've been taking care of, especially a baby." He wrapped his arm around his wife. "Just imagine how happy and excited the mom is right now knowing that she gets her baby girl back today. It makes it a lot easier." Camila smiled at the thought, leaning her head on her husband's shoulder.

"That part makes me really happy." She kissed the top of the baby's head one last time before handing Posie over to Shawn. Shawn stood up, his eyes down on the baby in his arms as he walked towards the door.

"Wanna go get some Christmas shopping done when I get back?"

"That sounds fun. We need to get some more boxes too."

"Counting down the days 'til we're in the new house!" He called out as he made his way down the hall. Camila watched from their bedroom window as Shawn loaded Posie into her car seat and drove off to reunite her with her mom. Camila couldn't help but tear up.

"Why are you crying, mommy?" Maggie asked from the doorway. Camila smiled and wiped a stray tear from her cheek.

"I'm just gonna miss baby Posie."

"Aw..." Maggie waddled up to her, holding her arms out for a hug. Camila gladly accepted the hug. She picked the toddler up in her arms and held her tight. "You and daddy can have a baby!" Maggie's solution was sweet and honestly, Camila had been thinking about that more and more recently.

"Maybe someday," Camila chuckled, playing with the little girl's curls.

Shawn and Camila left a couple hours later for their afternoon of Christmas shopping. Luckily, Jace had no problem watching Maggie while they were out. And they needed this time out — there were only a couple more weeks until Christmas and they hadn't done any shopping yet. Camila held Shawn's free hand in her lap as he drove, tracing her fingers delicately over his.

"Did you cry? Be honest."

"I teared up as soon as I got back in the car," he answered with an honest chuckle. "What about you?"

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