You're a Drug Dealer

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"So, my room or yours?" His smirk was smug and Camila couldn't help but scoff.

"Excuse you?" she giggled. "What kind of girl do you take me for?"

"Oh, my apologies," he put his hand over his bare chest and shook his head apologetically. "So, what was the actual reason you came over here then?" He stared at her awaiting her answer but she didn't provide one so instead he just watched her mouth fall agape and her cheeks turn bright pink. Camila huffed and closed her mouth, looking away from the gorgeous man next to her and straight ahead instead. She could focus or really think at all while she was looking at him. He had a point. It was Shelby's words convincing her to 'get under' the hot guy across the bar that caused her to walk over in the first place.

"I'm just saying that it's a bit presumptuous to assume I immediately want to sleep with you. I mean, we haven't even kissed yet. How do I know if you're a good kisser? If you're not a good kisser you're definitely not gonna be good at any of the other important stuff." She started to turn her head away from him again but was turned back to face him by his hand on her chin, pulling her closer and pressing his lips against hers. She was caught off guard but she welcomed it. And at least now she knew that he was, in fact, a good kisser. She vaguely heard Shelby "ooh"ing from the other side of the bar but tried to ignore it. Pulling away from this kiss was suddenly the very last thing she ever wanted to do. Unfortunately she only got a small taste of his tongue before he pulled away and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

"There. Just imagine that...but everywhere." His cocky smirk was back on his face, meanwhile Camila was fairly certain her face was some mixture of awe and wonder combined with shock and astonishment. Her mouth suddenly felt drier than the Sahara so she grabbed her glass of boozy watermelon lemonade and took a sip from the paper straw, avoiding eye contact with the handsome stranger who had just magically kissed away every ounce of sadness from her heart. "Is that watermelon?" Shawn asked, nodding towards the drink in her hand.

"Yeah," she managed to squeak out. "It's a vodka watermelon lemonade."

"I thought I could taste watermelon..." he mused as he licked his lips. Those damn perfect lips. Camila inhaled deeply and looked off toward the pool, deciding to throw caution to the wind she grabbed the larger tattooed hand into her own and started pulling him towards one of the private poolside cabanas. It definitely wasn't private enough to go all the way with him but the fabric panels on each side of the round wicker daybed did at least provide more privacy than the bar for the inevitable make out session they were about to indulge in. It took less than thirty seconds for them to both be knotted together on the large lounge, their lips moving in sync as his hands tangled themselves in her wavy hair. She had no idea how much time had actually passed before she breathlessly pulled away but she assumed it was somewhere between five to ten minutes. "Everything okay?" Shawn asked, noticing that she was clearly flustered.

"Yeah," she timidly giggled. "Sorry. I just...suddenly I'm very aware of how little clothing I'm wearing." Her cheeks turned pink as she averted her gaze. She tuned her eyes back on him just in time to see his hazel eyes slowly roaming down her body, a body that was still clad in nothing but a tiny red bikini. His tongue darted out between his lips to moisten them before leaning down to place a chaste kiss to her sternum.

"You're so beautiful." He said the words so quietly she almost wondered if she was supposed to hear them.

"Thanks," she whispered in reply. "So are you." He chuckled against her skin before moving to kiss her neck. "Tell me about yourself," she cooed.

"What do you want to know?"

"Hm...where are you from?"

"Toronto. You?"

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