I'm Gonna Kick Your Ass

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"Don't be nervous!"

"You know, you can keep saying that but meeting your family is like...extremely scary! Even if I don't have a reason to be nervous it's still incredibly intimidating."

"You're gonna do great. Besides, I think their expectations for the guys I bring home are pretty low after the whole Max situation."

"This might sound like a shitty thing to say but I'm kind of grateful that he was such a shitty guy. I mean, if he hadn't cheated on you, you probably wouldn't have gone to St. Barts. And if you hadn't gone to St. Barts you probably wouldn't have met me."

"That's true," she smiled as she continued to drive towards her parents' house. "Looking back, I wouldn't change a thing. I think it happened exactly how it was meant to happen."

"I think it did too." The sweet moment was interrupted by the loud ringing of Shawn's phone. He glanced down to see that it was a FaceTime call from his mother. He picked the phone up and held it in front of his face, sliding his thumb across the screen to answer it. It wasn't his mom on the other end of the call, though. It was his favorite little three year old.

"Hi daddy!" she squealed excitedly. Shawn couldn't help but chuckle.

"Hi stinky! Are you having fun?"

"Yeah! We went to the store!"

"That's fun! Did you get anything exciting?"

The toddler nodded and waddled over to the couch where she picked up a stuffed bunny toy. She tried to hold it in front of the camera but all Shawn could really see was a mega close-up of the stuffed animal's plastic eyes. "It's Boppy!"

"You named it Boppy?"

"Yeah!" she chirped. "Where's Mila?"

"She's right next to me. You wanna see her?" He turned the phone so that Camila was in view of the camera.

"Hey cutie! We miss you!"

"I miss you!" Maggie replied, whining slightly.

"They'll be back soon," Karen reminded the small girl sweetly, stepping behind her and picking her up while also taking the phone from her hands. They sat down on the couch together, Maggie on Karen's lap while they FaceTimed with Shawn and Camila. "Are you two in the car? Where are you headed?"

"Camila's parents' house."

"Ooh! Meeting the family? That's exciting!"

"Yeah..." Shawn sighed. "It's exciting as long as they like me."

"I already told you they will!" Camila giggled.

"Camila's right, honey," Karen added. "I mean, I don't know her parents...but I know you and I'm pretty sure everyone who meets you loves you immediately."

"Yeah!" Maggie agreed enthusiastically. They all laughed at her cuteness.

"How's Jace doing?"

"He's been doing good," Karen nodded. "He's out with Chloe right now. That girl has him smitten. It's adorable."

"She seems to be really good for him. It's cute to see how much he likes her." Shawn couldn't help but snort as he watched Maggie make silly faces at him through the camera as they talked. They continued chatting for a while until Camila pulled into the driveway of her parents' house, when they quickly said their goodbyes and hung up the phone. Shawn slid the phone into his back pocket and unbuckled his seatbelt with an anxious sigh.

"Hey." Camila grabbed his hands and squeezed them in hers, her eyes locked onto his. "You've got this."

"I've got this," he repeated. They stepped out of the car and walked hand-in-hand up to the front door. Camila didn't bother knocking — she just grabbed the knob and pushed the door open. She could already hear music and voices coming from the kitchen. She kicked off her shoes by the door excitedly and scurried towards the source of the noise. Shawn followed closely behind her, also kicking his shoes off by the door.

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