1038, Revisited

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"Nice try, stinky." Shawn couldn't help but laugh at the fact that Maggie had crawled into the open suitcase on the bed in the five seconds that he had his back turned. He picked her up out of the luggage and kissed her nose. "You trying to sneak your way onto our vacation?"

"Yeah..." She giggled mischievously. Shawn set her back down onto their mattress. She immediately laid down, her head on his pillow. Shawn pulled his phone out of his back pocket and took a picture of her. 

"Look at you, cutie! Are you helping your dad pack?" Camila stepped into their bedroom with a basket of freshly washed and folded clothes. She started putting some of the clothes away in the dresser but left some stuff out to pack in their suitcases. 

"I don't know that I would describe it as 'helping'..." Shawn snorted. "I've already had to pull her out of the suitcase."

"Aw, sweet girl!" Camila walked over to the side of the bed and leaned down, brushing her hand over Maggie's head and kissing her forehead. "We're gonna miss you. But you're gonna have so much fun with grandma and grandpa, aren't you?"

"Yeah," Maggie replied through a yawn. Shawn glanced at the time.

"It's getting close to your bedtime. You getting sleepy?" The little girl nodded. Shawn stepped around to the other side of the bed and picked the little girl up into his arms.

"No, I kidding! I not sleepy." Shawn sighed but gave into her little act anyway, putting her back down onto the bed. 

"Okay...but you do need to go to bed soon." He looked back at the time. "Fifteen minutes and then you have to go to bed."

"Mkay." She once again laid her head down on her dad's pillow, watching closely as Shawn and Camila continued packing their bags for the trip to St. Barts. They'd be flying out first thing the next morning and Maggie wasn't thrilled about them leaving. Luckily, she loved staying with Shawn's parents. 

Fifteen minutes later, Shawn and Camila were tucking her into her own bed and kissing her goodnight. They immediately got back to packing. 

"I can't believe we're actually going to be back in St. Barts together tomorrow..." 

"Me neither." Shawn pulled Camila's bright red bikini out of their dresser and tossed it into the open suitcase. Camila bit her lip and blushed. Who knew that a couple tiny scraps of fabric could hold so many memories? She folded the swimsuit neatly and packed it with the rest of her clothes for the trip. 

"I can't help but feel like your intention with wanting that swimsuit packed has nothing to do with swimming."

Shawn grinned. "You're the smartest woman I know, you know that?" Camila playfully rolled her eyes as he continued. "I swear, all of my dirtiest dreams still feature that goddamn red bikini. Speaking of..." He stepped over to the nightstand and opened the drawer, pulling out the selection of sex toys they had collected. "We're taking these, too." He carefully tucked them away in one of the inside pockets of the luggage. 

"Ooh, fun!" Camila giggled. 

They packed almost everything they would need — with the exception of what they'd need to get ready in the morning — and then cuddled up in bed next to each other for the night. 

"Tomorrow..." Shawn hummed as he stroked his fingers through her hair. "Can you believe it? We'll be back where it all started tomorrow."

"I wasn't kidding when I said I will cry. Like, be prepared. I'm gonna be emotional."

"I know for a fact you're not kidding."

 "Still really excited to get my pool hottie back, though."

"Oh god...now I've gotta deal with you calling me that too?" Shawn snorted, running a hand through his hair. Camila nudged him.

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