Business Trip

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Camila impatiently tapped her pen against her desk as she waited for this video call to end. Just as Leroy started to wrap things up, she heard her office door push open to reveal her smiling husband holding a to-go bag of food from a nearby diner.

"Hi baby," he silently mouthed as he took the bag of food to the coffee table and seating area across from her desk. He sat down and pulled out his phone to distract himself while Camila finished her meeting.

"Alright, so Camila — why don't you go ahead and get those flights scheduled. Charge it to the company credit card and let me know when you're scheduled to get in."

"Will do," Camila replied, glancing up at Shawn who was now looking at her with a puzzled expression.

"Great meeting, everyone. Have a great rest of the week."

Camila logged out of the video call and stood up to properly greet her husband. "Hi honey."

"Hi beautiful. Having a good day so far?"

"Yeah...better now that you're here."


"Maybe, but it's true," Camila giggled, standing up on her tiptoes to kiss her husband on the cheek.

" flights, eh? Going on a trip?" Shawn started unpacking their lunch — a burger and fries for himself and a grilled salmon salad for Camila.

"Just to Miami for a few days. Leroy wants to have a few big meetings and he wants them to be in person."


"Next week," she sighed, mixing her dressing into her salad with the included plastic fork. Shawn went quiet for a moment; Camila looked up from her salad to see him pouting dramatically.

"I'm gonna miss you."

"I'm gonna miss you too, baby," she assured him, placing a hand lovingly on his knee. "But it'll only be four days. And I'm sure between work and the kids the time will fly by. I'll be back before you know it."

"I know...I just don't like having to be away from you.

"Trust me — I don't like it either."

"It'll be nice for you to get to spend some extra time with Shelby and your family, though," Shawn added, wanting to give the trip a positive spin.

"That's true," Camila took another bite of her salad. "How long do you think it'll take for one of them to ask me when we're having a baby?"

"If we're being honest, the person most likely to ask you that is definitely me."

They both laughed, Camila rolling her eyes playfully as she did so.

"Fuck, you're right."

They were both silent for a moment before Shawn spoke up again.

"So...what would you tell them if they asked that?" He wiggled his eyebrows and Camila snorted.

"It's adorable how badly you want to get me pregnant."

"I can't help it! I was looking back at baby pictures of Maggie the other day and it made me miss having a little tiny baby to hold and snuggle."

Camila thought about it for a moment. "Hypothetically, if we did decide to have a baby now, where would they go? I mean, we've already got one kid living in the attic."

"Well they'd likely sleep in our room for a while at first...and then maybe them and Maggie could be roommates! Wouldn't that be cute?"

"It would be cute...but maybe not the most practical. I'm thinking maybe we should focus on getting a new place with room for new babies before trying to make any."

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