Chapter Eleven

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After what seemed like a long time, Futaba and Akira finished serving 200 dishes, with Futaba completing 500, a whole new record. Since there were still a bit of time, Akira told Futaba that he wanted to talk to her and thus they are now at the cafeteria. 

"It's been too long since we're alone like this" says Akira as he sips his tea.

"How have you and Professor Jun been?" Futaba ask. 

"Jun is still the same as ever. But she deeply misses. I too" says Akira. 

"I haven't been the same anymore" says Futaba. 

"Just so you know, I still like you. My feelings for you hadn't change" says Akira, on a serious note while Futaba coldly chuckles. 

"I'd always thought you love Professor Jun" says Futaba.

"You're the one I've always liked" says Akira.

"Sorry Akira but the way I am now, I can't accept anyone. Things like romance and love, I don't understand. Right now, I want to focus on taking the top" says Futaba and Akira's eyes widen. 

"You don't mean-?"

"Yes Akira. Much like Soma, I am aiming for the top. I am going to take over the First Seat, taking over Tsukasa Eishi" says Futaba with a glare that Akira couldn't comprehend. 

"After that, then what?" Futaba's eyes widen, confuse at the sudden question. 


"Let's say you DID get the First Seat, then what?" Akira ask. 

Futaba simply remained silent. True enough, she has never thought about it. 

"You didn't even say anything when you return and now you're saying you want to take the First Seat? What a joke" says Akira. 

"I had long been back. Y'all just never noticed my presence" says Futaba.

Akira suddenly got up and pulled Futaba into a hug, surprising her greatly.

"A-Akira! What are you-?"

"I'm just glad you're back. I don't care if you reject me now. I'll wait for your reply" Akira whispers and he lets Futaba go. 

Futaba was stunned at Akira's sudden actions. He chuckles. He place his hand on Futaba's head before leaving.

After a long day, the remaining students that survived are gathered at the lobby. Although, the kids of the Polar Star dorm could not see their friend Futaba anywhere. 

"Did anyone see Futaba?" Yuki ask while dialing Futaba's number on her phone. 

"Knowing how skilled she is, she wouldn't have failed" says Shun.

"Futaba... Where are you?" Hirose ask. 

Meanwhile, Futaba is in the kitchen, along with the alumnis, cooking a full course meal for the students that have survived the camp. 

"The last batch is done!" says Futaba.

"Thanks for the hard work Ashiya-kun" says Dojima. 

"We sure haven't taste your dish in a long while. When you kept sneaking back to Japan without Shinomiya-senpai knowing, you didn't even visit us" says Mizuhara. 

"You know I'm still ticked off from those day" Shinomiya grumbles. 

"Senzaemon-dono didn't have to send me all the way to France just for recovery" Futaba says with a light chuckle. 

"You keep sneaking back to Totsuki without anyone knowing. Not even Hirose" says Hinako. 

"While it's true I keep sneakily return to Totsuki, let's just deem my official return is the end of last year" says Futaba as she removes her apron. 

"You had a long day. We'll see you again soon. Enjoy the meal with your friends okay?" says Sekimori. 

"Thanks everyone. See you again!" says Futaba and she quietly leaves the kitchen. 

"She seems to be getting better mentally" says Mizuhara.

"But deep down her heart is still tied to the death of Ashiya Haru. Though her dishes is extravagant and exquisite, it's almost perfect. Only very few can tell that through her dish, she is hiding the sorrow and anger, not letting anyone into her heart easily" says Dojima. 

"Futaba! Where have you been?!" Yuki ask the moment Futaba returns to reunite with her friends. 

"Oh, just somewhere" says Futaba.

Just then, Dojima Gin enters the lobby which made the students tremble, thinking that he might be assigning yet another assignment. 

"Before getting to the issue in hand, a brief comment... Currently, 352 students have dropped out and the remaining numbers is 628" says Dojima.

Futaba yawns as she simply didn't pay attention to what Dojima is saying but she felt a nudge from her brother. 

"Futaba where were you exactly?" Hirose whispers. 

"You don't have to know dear brother of mine" Futaba teased as she pat his head. 

"Don't tease me! I'm being serious here!" Hirose scolds. 

"You'll see" Futaba teases yet again but it brought confusion to Hirose. 

"Let's proceed with the final program of this training camp" Dojima announced. 


"I can't do it anymore! It's imposs-"

The students' commotion stopped when the door opens, revealing the staffs of the Totsuki Resort lining up and welcoming the students to the dining hall.

"This is a message for the 628 students that survived. Congratulations on clearing all the assignments of this lodging training. The last program is, a modest banquet to celebrate the completion of this camp. Enjoy it to the fullest!" 

The students roared with cheers as they yelled they did it. The students quickly proceed to the tables and the Totsuki alumni enters with a bunch of dishes with them. 

"Woah, a meal made by the alumni... I-I can die happy now!" Marui exclaims and his soul finally leaves his body. 

"EEK! Marui finally went to the other side!!" Yuki exclaims after seeing Marui's soul left with body from happiness. 

Everyone had a fun time. Futaba simply smiles, glad that her friends were able to survive the camp. She then land her eyes at Shinomiya where she let out a small smile. 

Shinomiya raises an eyebrow but eventually relaxes as he too smiles at Futaba. His heart relax a little upon seeing Futaba laughing with her friends. 

Hirose however remain quiet upon eating some of the dishes to which he deduces that it was cooked by his other. 'Futaba... I'll help you come out from the darkness' Hirose thought as he gulps down the meal.

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