Chapter Nineteen

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Akira makes his way to the judges and he presents his dish. 

"Hm? This dish is incredibly small! It isn't fish head curry!"

"And he put a lid made of naan on it..."

"So that's his game" says Futaba.

"What do you mean?" Takumi ask. 

"Fragrance bomb"

"Eat it by pressing the naan so that it falls into the dish" says Akira, holding up a spoon, throwing it towards Soma to which he catches it. 

He then turns to a certain direction where he sees Futaba and the others. He simply smirks but Futaba knew, he is very confident in his dish.

The judges and Soma presses the spoon against Akira's dish and the instant the 'lid' is broken, a pleasant aroma immediately burst throughout the stadium. 

"Th-The aroma force is amazing! E-Even reaching up here...!"

"Looks like he's adapting my idea" says Futaba.

"Your idea?" Isami questions. 

"Back then in Junior High, Akira and I had a mini cook off because Professor Jun was too busy with her research to even eat. We had a mini cook off and I made an aroma bomb food which at that time, Professor Jun thinks the dish I made won over Akira's" explains Futaba as she divulges into her past. 

"*sigh* Has Professor Jun even stop her research to eat?" A young Futaba ask. 

"I can't get her to eat..." A young Akira says with a sigh.

"Hmm, why don't we cook something for her? Hey! Let's have a mini cook off!" Futaba exclaims. 

"Oh, I like that idea!" says Akira. 

The two young kids then begin on their dish when the pleasant aroma soon got the attention of Professor Jun.

"Complete! Oh Professor Jun! Here, have this!" Futaba exclaims as she place her dish in front of Shiomi. 

"Hm? I could have swore I smell something amazing just now! Must have been from Hayama-kun! Well then, I'll have a bite if you insist" says Shiomi.

She picked up the spoon and as she cuts open the outer crust, Futaba smirks as a burst of an aroma force fills the kitchen.

"W-Wow! A-Amazing!' Shiomi exclaims. 

"Wha-What did you do Futaba?!" Akira ask. 

"I call it a fragrance bomb! Surprised?" Futaba ask with a smile, a bright smile which can no longer be seen. 

Futaba gets back from her memory lane upon hearing the judges saying that behind the strong aroma of his dish is fresh Holy Basil which shocks Lady Orie since fresh Holy Basil leaves is technically not available in Japan.

Akira goes on to say that the seminar he is in has been cultivating the Holy Basil leaves and the method, being a secret of course. Lady Natsume then sparks an interest for Akira. 

"Hey Hayama-kun~ Won't you become mine?" Lady Natsume suddenly says. 

"What should your annual salary be? Name your price, one hundred million? Two?"

Akira steps forward as he place both his hand on the table.

"I fight for Futaba and Jun" Akira says and Futaba's eyes widen upon hearing her name.

"F-Futaba! What is your relationship with him?!" Takumi ask, blushing greatly. 

"Why are you the one blushing?" Futaba mumbles. 

The judges eventually give Akira 's dish 94 points, taking the first place and overtaking Ryo and Hirose. 

"2nd huh... Ojou will be mad... Well, I just have to do my best in the main tournament" says Ryo lazily as he gazes his eyes onto Futaba.

'Futaba... Let's have our cooking rematch in the main tournament' thought Ryo.

"He got the perfect score from two judges but definitely less than Futaba" Isshiki suddenly says. 

"Isshiki-san?!" Erina exclaimed, startled by his sudden appearance. 

"Why are you here?! What about judging at the B block?!" Erina ask. 

"Fufu, it ended but I let someone to deal with the last few things" says Isshiki. 

"Well then Contestant Yukihira Soma! Serve your dish!"

"Here is your portion Hayama" says Soma as he passes one to Akira. 

"What's with that face?" Akira ask, looking down on Soma who has high confidence. 

"Well, I just thought that my idea wasn't all that bad after all" Soma grins. 

"Hm, an omelet?" Akira questions. 

"That's weird..."

"Wasn't he making risotto?"

Futaba thought for a moment before she realized something. Soma lifts up his spoon. 

"This is it" says Soma and Futaba's eyes widen. 

"The second... fragrance bomb!" Soma exclaims as he cuts open the omelet, revealing inside to be curry risotto and all the aroma within the omelet explodes out. 

"The enclosed aroma is... spreading exclusively!" Lady Natsume exclaims. 

"You... Had the same idea as mine?" Akira ask. 

"It looks that way, but only so far" Soma smirks while Akira scoffs.

"Just so you know, the origin idea for this belongs to Futaba" says Akira and Soma's eyes widen. 

"I see so you adapted her idea of fragrance bomb dish. Anyways, this is a Yukihira top quality dish, the Curry Risotto Omelet" says Soma. 

"Careful, it's hot" Soma reminds. 

"The rice inside the eggs shines with the brightest gleam. It looks like a donburi covered with a superb sauce!" Ikumi exclaims while wiping off her drool. 

"Amazing... What a mellow smell! I break into a smile almost instinctively!" says Ryoko. 

"The level of expectation is just as high as Hayama's dish! Well then, let's eat"

The judges and Akira takes a bite of Soma's dish. And they felt as if they have been punched. The judges instantly gets overwhelmed by his dish. 

They went on to describe the 'battle' between Soma and Akira's dish are like those two fighting for the top, with an image of Akira battling with a weapon while Soma uses his bare fist. The judges eventually gave Soma 93 points, a place behind Akira. 

Though, everyone had noticed the difference in scores they had given to Akira and Soma. Akira's scores were 18, 18, 20, 18, 20 with two perfects while Soma's scores were 19, 19, 18, 19, 18. In terms of points, the judges gave more to Soma. 

Soon, the judges began to have a mini argument amongst themselves in regards to Akira and Soma's dishes. As they await the final results, Shun and Marui were taken out by another powerful contestant who came in 5th place, allowing him to advance to the main tournament. 

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