Chapter 3

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"JUUSSTTIINNN!!" Pattie Yelled Up The Stairs.

"Yeah?" He Asked Coming Down.

"Food Almost Ready, Take Aaliyah Upstairs." Pattie Said.

"Uh, Okay. Let's Go ... Liyah" Justin Said


"Rooms Kinda Nice" I Said

"Thanks! Wanna Play Some Games or Sum?" He asked.

"Black Ops 2 Would Be Amazing" I Answered

"my favorite!" He said thrwoing ah controler at me.

I ended up beating Justin .

"So.. Tell Me about yourself " Justin Said

"Umm, No." I Said.

"What?" He Questioned "why?" He asked

"Cause, I don't know you.. I really don't wanna know you" I said.

"Why so harsh?" He asked

"Justin.. Shouldn't you be on face time .. Or calling your girlfriend, not getting to no me." I said air quoting the last part.

"She's busy.. Plus! I just wanna make friends." Justin Said.

Few hours later.

"Food was great!" Kelly Said

"Thanks. I see Dasia Is Sleeping." Pattie said smiling.

"Hey.. I have an idea!" Justin said.

"Yeah.. What's that?" Pattie asked.

" we have another room.. Liyah can stay the night." Justin said

"Up to Kelly." Pattie said.

"Uh, Sure. Why not?" Kelly said.

"Really?" I thought in my head.

"Well.. I'll get some PJs. I'll be back" I said.

" I'll go with her." Justin Said.


"Justin. What you problem?" I asked.

"Your my BestFriend! We need to know about each other." He said

"Haa! Befriend? Nah buddy." I said smiling.

"Why?" He asked as we made it in my room.

"Cause, I have a BestFriend." I answered.

"You can have 2" he said

"I guess" I said as I started feeling hands on me.

"With benefits" he added.

"Justin.. You have a girlfriend, we just met , IMA need you to chill dude" I said turning around now our faces are very close.

" your right." He said. I felt his breath.

"Thanks. I said grabbing my clothes and walking out the room with him following me

"Nice room BTW"

"Why thanks."


Then his phone started ringing.

"Its China" he said and answered the phone.

I heard them talking so me, I got behind him and stated making moaning noises.

"Justin Who that?" China asked

"Just someone, being petty." He said .

"FUUCCKKK JUUSSSTIINN" I said laughing a little.


"Very funny he said pushing me into the grass" Justin said

"I'm dead" I said laughing hard.

"Mhm, not funny I think she's mad now." he said smiling

"she is."I Said getting up.

"finally you too are back." Kelly Said.

"sorry" Justin Said Grabbing my hand taking me upstairs.

"Well, Are You Gonna Call China Back?" I Asked.

"Maybe Later, when your sleep." he said smiling.

"why?" I asked again.

"Cause Your Very Petty." he answered.

"Liyah, if you need anything. ask me or Justin, in going to sleep Soo.... ask Justin." Pattie said.

"Okay" I Said laughing.

"what you wanna do..?"I Asked.

"I don't know. your company " Justin Said.

"lol you sound like a little kid." I Said back.

"well.. wanna talk?" he asked.

"Yeah," I Said.

"So.. about yourself?" he asked.

"I'm 16.. um,  Idkkk" I Said Smiling.

"your smile is pretty." Justin said touching my face.

"don't touch me & thanks!" I Said giggling.

"I can touch you!" Justin Screamed a little.

"no you can't!" I yelled back.

then he started touching all over my face which made us start play Fighing then the most awkward thing happens, I fell on top of Justin, We stared into each other eyes until we were about to kiss but Justin phone started ringing.

"hello?" Justin Said Into His Phone

"oh..Hey China.." he said looking at me.

I told Justin GoodNight And Went to the other room and went to sleep.

~~Next morning~~

I wake up, with My Bestfriend Blowing Me Up. I Texted back and got out of bed. I ran into Justin he told me Pattie, Dasia &My Mom Went Out. and that food is already done.

"So..about last night?"he asked.

"nothing, is about last night." I Said Not Wanting To Remember What Happen.

"what's wrong?" Justin Asked.

"Just Like Iont Wanna Do This. Friends? like You Said." I said.

"Okay, I'm Down. I Understand.

"Yeah, I'm gonna Go home. I have to shower.  My Bestfriend & I are going to the mall. See Ya later Justin, tell China I'm Sorry." I Said Hugging Him Then Walking Out Giving him No Time to talk.

The Boy Next Door-Justin Bieber StoryWhere stories live. Discover now