Chapter 12

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I went upstairs in my bathroom & locked the door as Kayla tried to come in.

"Let me in Aaliyah" Kayla said.

"Just leave, im okay." I said trying to sound better.

"Open The Door" she said.

I opened it.

"What?" I Asked .

"You good? My mom need me.. ill back out if your not okay." She said.

"I'm good." I smiled.

"Love Ya" she said before walking out.

As she left, I sat on the bed and started doing my homework, 6 more Paragraphs.

Knock knock

"Come in." I said.

"Liyah, can we talk?" He asked.

"Justin.. there's no we, there's nothing to talk about." I Said Not Looking Up.

"It Is, Ik I Kissed Her And Im So Wrong For It.. my hair has Been coming out and this only the second day of u being mad at me.. Aaliyah.. Im Sorry For Hurting Your Feelins I Never Ever Thought I Would, Your So Nice & Loving.. I Wanna Be With You..and Only You No One Else..China Ain't Nobody I Swear That Kiss Mean NOTHING. I Need You Too Stop Being Mad At Me Because I Hate You Being Mad & I Most Definitely Hate Seeing You Cry.. just please forgive me?" He begged

"No.." I Said Tearing Up

"Aaliyah Come On!" He begged.

"Stop it, Justin..You did what you had too do..So Am I now Can I Finish My Hw?" I Said Wiping My Eyes.

"Just No..I Love You" he said walking out.

Next Day

Justin House

"Wanna go do something?" Ryan Asked.

"Like what?" He asked back

"Beach??" Ryan Said Throwing Bis Hands Up.

"What Time?" He asked

"Around 3:30?"

"Yeah.. im down." He said.

"So..hows....You & Liyah?" Ryan Asked.

"Man.. she really mad at me." Justin Said Touching His Hair.

"You need too fix that..." Ryan said.

"Im trying, shes so hurt & blocked off now." Justin Said.

Few Weeks Later

Knock knock

"Come In!" Justin Yelled From The kitchen.


"Hey.. wats up?" Justin Asked Moving Fast Up Too Her.

" mom comes back inna few more weeks and I need help cleaning up the house..?" I asked.

"Sure, when?" he asked.

"Now?" I Said Walking Out.

"This could be your time." Ryan Said.

Liyah House

"So.. What are we cleaning?" he asked.

"Umm,the three bathrooms, kitchen laundry room, rooms like that" I said plugging up my IPod Into A Speaker Playing My Music and started Cleaning.

45 minutes later

"Hey Justin?" I talked through the house.

"Yeah?" he said walking into the kitchen.

"Help with the dishes?" i asked.

"Nmm" he said walking over to me.

"OMMMMGGGG!!! WHAT IS THAAT!!????" I yelled

"What what?!" he yelled back

"That!!" i said putting bubbles all I his face.

"Fr? Really? Did you really just? Yeah ok bet " he said grinning.

"Im sorry.." I Said.

"Yeah..Soooo" He said turning on the water and spraying me .

I Started running but started sliding on the water and falling on the ground. Justin came and got ontp of me and started putting bubbles awh in my hair.

"Justin Your Hurting Me!" i said trying to get from under him.

"Wanna switch spots?" he asked. "In yo room?" he added but lowly

"It would be better on my behalf" I said.

Justin Then Flipped Me On top Of Him.

"This view is way more beautiful " Justin said smiling which made me smile.

"Stop. Im mad at you still" I said

"Its been like ah month... Stop being mad Ive Said Sorry So Many Times So Mant Ways I Bet You Have Awh Those Cards and bears In Your Room Sitting On The Be-" he said

I stopped him from talking by kissing him.

"Ive been wanting too do thaat for the longest." I said smiling.

"Man" he said then kissing me again.

"Stop" I said laughing. "Your friend is getting excited." I said getting up

"Come back" he said still laying there.

"No get up" I said laughing.

"Mmm" he said getting up.

"Well... ?" I said.

"Yes, we are together" he said hugging me.

The Boy Next Door-Justin Bieber StoryWhere stories live. Discover now