Chapter 23

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Few hours later.

"Ma?" I called.

"Jeffrey! She woke." She yelled.

"Whats wrong?" I asked.

"Name your friends from school honey.." Jeffrey said.

"Maddie, Elijah, Jacob & Brittany. Why?" I asked.

"Oh My God... your memory is back" Kelly started crying.

"Justin? What are you doing here?" I asked getting up.

"Just wanted to see if you were ok.." he answered.

"Im fine.. now leave.." I said walking away.

"What Happen?" My mom asked.

"Nothing.. im gonna head back to LA."he said walking out

"So you back huh.?" Asia smiled hugging me.

"Missed you" I smiled.

"Why you put Justin Out?" My mom asked.

"He has a girlfriend." I said.

"You." My mom said again.

"No Selena." I smiled and walked into my room

Next Morning.

I woke up to thw sound if my alarm. I took my shower, brushed my teeth and got dressed

Outfit onna side.

I put my phone and other things like my meds in my purse and As i sat there I started thinking.. I Took my phone out and Called Elijah. I asked him for a ride.
Within 15 minutes he was here.

"Hey Liyah." He smiled.

"Heey." I Smiled back.

"Oh yeah.. you know.. like before the accident" he was saying But I cut him off.

"I remember." I Giggled.

"That's Great.. I thought that Justin kid was gonna make his way back." He said stopping at a red light.

"4 more days til school out..then college" I smiled happy.

"Right, Im gonna have to much fun in college." He grinned.

"Right" I smiled grabbing my purse and getting out the car.

"Hey Eli .. Liyah." Jacob said.

"Sup" Justin said.

"Hey hey hey." I Smiled.

Then Maddie & Brittany Walked Up.

"You lookin fine." Brittany said to me.

"Well Brit Brat, You Dont Look Too Bad Yaself" I Laughed hugging her

"Oh shit.. yo memory back?" She asked.

"Yes baby" I smiled.

"Good." Maddie smiled as we all walked into the building and went our ways.

"I hope we all get accepted into the same college." I said as Elijah and I walked to first hour.

"Real talk, iont want new friends." He said

"Me neither." I said walking behind him into the class room.

"Hello Class... you guys are having an assignment..Its going to take all class period if you dont know how to do it." He said.

"Past these out." He sais handing them to a girl Name Tanisha.

We started our work. I got done pretty fast . So I Walked Over Too Elijah

"Hey." I smiled sittinf next to him.

"Wassup." He said focus on is work.

"Need help?" I asked.

"Kinda." He said kinda Embarrassed.

"Okay This How You Do It." I started showing him.

***Next Class

"Okay Class, Today Is Just Like A Few Day..Since Its Only 4 More days til School." She said everyone cheered. Not me cause I was ina hospital most the time.

"Anywayss. We awwh no..Prom is coming up in 2 more days.. who all nominated?" She asked us.

Lots of girls and some guys raised their hand. Then Brittany Told Me to Raise My Hand. I was confused but I raised my hand.

"Why am I raising my hand?" I asked as I put it down.

"I signed you up." She giggled.

"Yakno Jessica Probably Running..more problems." I said looking at her.

"Soo? By then the grades will be in and wont have to come to this dump anyone." She smiled.

"Your right" I laughed a little.

lunch time.

"Hey guys." I Said Sitting At The Table.

"Heey." Maddie Said.

"Sup." Jacob said.

"Wassup." Elijah Looked at me

"yal Eatin?" Brittany Asked.

"Yeah Come on." Maddie said as we all got up.

"Hey Liyah...You Okay?" The lunch lady.

"Im Great." I Giggled as I walked to the table.

"What you doing today?" Elijah asked me.

"Nothing Probably.. Prom Shopping.. Wanna Help?" I asked.

"Yeah Sure" he smiled.

The Boy Next Door-Justin Bieber StoryWhere stories live. Discover now