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We Pulled Up At Home. Lucky? Idk I Forgot her name opened the door and smiled.

"Hey Liyah" she smiled.

"Hey." I Smiled Back.

"How was school?" She asked.

"It was coo.. nothing really happened." I answered.

"Which One Yall Cooking?" My Dad Asked.

"Ill Cook.." I Said.

"Get In There Then Girl." He pushed me.

"Why do you hit on her?" she Asked.

"Makes Me feel good..cause her mom." He answered.

"..i have too tell you something ." She said

"Hit me.' He said.

"Im Pregnant...."she said.

"Thats Great!" He kissed her.

I felt so disgusted.. they not even fit to have a child in this house?

"Isn't..that great Liyah?" Tracy Smiled at me.

"Yes, Congratulations!" i said cooking.


"Thanks Sweetie." She said.

"Food is done btw" I gave her a slight hug and walked into my room I laid down and text Kayla also looked at the social media..I read it and came across something.. my heart broke into like 8 thousand pieces my eyes began too water


It said more but I couldn't read it. Like I had this big ..Idk in my throat I blocked his number got my clothes ready and got in the shower.. I cried my eyes out. About 45 minutes later, I Got Out and went straight into my room I Dyed My Hair Sandy brown and went sleep with a broken heart.

Next Morning

"Come Here.I have to talk too you" My dad said

"Watsup?" I asked

"Im sorry.."he said.

I had a confused look on my face

"Putting my hands on you.. I promise it won't happen again.. I have to get my life together and get a job now that Tracy Is Pregnant Iont Want her thinking I beay on my kids.. I just be hurting and drinking but this time im done drinking and hurting you.." he said almost in tears.

"Thanks dad" I said hugging him.

"You do have school" he smiled. " get ready." He added.

I smiled and walked to my room Put On My Shirt That Says Single With My Picture On The Back and Some Baggy Black Pants my gray and black Jordans. I put my hair in a bun and walked out the house. School was only like 5 minutes away. As I was walking thoughts of Justin cheating ran over my mind im so hurt but im just..uhh Idk My thoughts led me right school. First class .. math thank God today is Friday.

"Class take your seats."Mr Taylor Said

Everyone died down and started listening. "today You guys are gonns do complex Plans." He said and gave a few Examples then gave us the work. I didn't rush this one. I kinda took my time but my phone buzzed. It was an unknown but the massage said "hey baby Its Justin" I read it and just got back to my work.

25 Minutes Later

"Okay anyone done?" Mr Taylor said.

Everyone raised they hand but me.. I didnt wanna rush it. The bell rang everyone left.. but me I finished and then left. To my next class

End Of The Day

"Hey!" Brittany said.

"Hey" I smiled.

"Wanna come over? Im having friends over." She asked.

"Let me call my dad." I said pulling out my phone


"He said yeah" I smiled as her mon pulled up.

"Ma, this is Aaliyah." Brittany said.

"Hi, Aaliyah Im Cassandra" she smiled also pulling off.

"Im having a few friends over " she said.

"Okay, im leaving our soon so dont mess up the house." She said

"Okay momma."

The rest of the way there was silent. After like 15 minutes we pulled up to a house. It was pretty.

"Who all coming?" I asked.

"People from school, you will see." She said As we walked into her room.

A few minutes of us talking the doorbell went off then like 8 people walked in 4 boys, 4 girls.

"Hey guys!" Brittany smiled.

"Hey & sup" was all I heard.

"Who she?" A girl asked. She looked out age.. red hair blue eyes lighskin.

"Guys, thats Liyah.. shes New to our school." She answers

The girl walked up to me.

"Im Maddie..Real Name Madison" she smiled showing her braces.

"Nice to meet you" I smiled.

10 minutes of everyone meeting me.. a boy walked in

"Thats Elijah" Brittany said.

I just looked at him

"Hey" he said too me.

"Hi.. im Liyah" I Smiled.

"You cute." He said.

"Thanks.." I was blushing.

"OKAAAYY" Brittany said laughing " what you guys want to do?" She added.

Everyone started yelling ideas when my phone buzzed. It was from Justin I called him

"What?" I asked.

"Your mom came to get Dasia." He said.

"Okay." I said.

"i Miss You." He said.

I hung up and put my phone in my back pocket.

"Truth or dare?" Lilly asked.

"Yes" everyone said.

"Uhh... Sandra! Truth or dare?" Brittany asked.

"Truth" she smiled.

"Punk! Is it true you fucked Jacob?" Brittany asked.

Jacob started laughing.

"I Guess ." She got red.

"Um Liyah! Truth or dare" she asked.

"Dare" I Said. Im always a dare tyoe of person

"I dare you to kiss....Elijah!" She laughed along with everyone else.

Elijah looked at me and smiled. I giggled walked over to him and kissed him.

"OKAAYYY!!!STOP NOW" Brittany laughed

Then I pulled away.

Elijah Point Of View.

I walked in and seen a beautiful girl , she got brown hair. We chatted a little bit then i sat down long story short she a great kisser!

End Of Point Of View

Few hours later

Everyone watching a scary movie. Im so scared i jumped then Elijah came next to me and we talked all night.. until i fell asleep

The Boy Next Door-Justin Bieber StoryWhere stories live. Discover now