Chapter 13

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"I have too tell Kayla! Shes gonna be so happy." I said pulling out my phone

Laughing "well...I Mean I Am Fit For You" He Said Smirking

"Shhh" I Said.

"Sup Yal!?" Ryan Said Walking In The Kitchen

"Hey Ryan" I Said Smiling.

"Why you smiling?" he asked.

"No reason." I said looking back at my phone.

"Whats her problem?" Ryan asked.

"She mines." Justin Said Smiling.

"Whaatt?! Thats Wassup Man Im Proud Of You" he said as I looked up.

"Why you proud of him?" I asked.

"Cause.. He finally with a girl that loves & care for him." he said.

"Mmhmmm."I said getting Up

"Weeelllllllll" Justin Said.

"Dont play with me" I said laughing.

Next Week

Im In The Shower, We On Break For Summer. My Mom Comes Back In 7 Days.

"Bab?" Justin said thru the upstairs.

"Inna Shower!" I yelled.

He then walked in.

"Hey" he said.

"Wadduppp?" I said still paying attention to me.

"Nun just wanna see if you wanna go to the movies with me?" her asked.

"Yes, that'd be fun." I Answered

"Great. Here" he handed me my towel.

I walked in the room with Justin behind Me.

"So.. When can I hm eat?" he asked playing with the ends of my towel.

"Never" I said.

"You ah virgin?" he asked.

"Yes" I smiled.

"Great.." he said.

"Lets go!" I said walking out.

The Movies.

"What would you guys like too see today?" The man said.

"Furious 7" Justin Said.

"Thaat will be $16." He said.

"Here you go." He said handing him a 20.

"Damn Girl You Got ah fat ass!" We heard someone say.

Jusin Said Ignore It, So I Did.

We Walked Into The Thingy Too Get Our Food And stuff after Thaat, We Went Into The Movie.

After The Movie.

"Omg, that was so sad." I said wiping my tears.

Laughing " baaee, stop crying." He said.

"Hey Justin."?? Said.

"Hey, Jasmine." He said

Jazmine goes too our school, in our class. I never really talked too her.

"What you doing here?" She Asked

"Here with Liyah." He said

"Oh Im Sorry, Hey Liyah!" She said smiling

"Heey...Jazmine" i smiled.

"How are you?" She asked me.

"Im Good.. Wbu?" I Asked.

"Good, But Its nice seeing you guys. Gotta go!" She said running inside the building.

"I didnt no she was thaat cool of ah person." I said as we got in the car.

"Yeah, we talked when, I first got there..nothing like that tho." He said pulling off.

"Yeah, so my house?" I asked.

"Sure it don't matter, it's pretty late anyway even tho we live next door. "He said.

"Ha Ha, funny" I said with the most straightest face ever

"Bab dang I'm joking." He said

"Betta be" I mumbled.

At the house.

"I'm so tired" I said walking Into my room

"I'm not" he said taking off his clothes.

"Okay then..just get naked" I laughed.

"Well.." he smiled.

"Mhm" I said as I changed in just a shirt.

"Dont be turning me on if you ain't ready for daddy long stoke." He grinned.

Laughing. "Boy if you don't gone somewhere with that"

"I'm serious, this will have you sore for years..try me." He said

"Yeah yeah " I smiled at him .

"What? " he asked.

"Maybe I wanna try.." I said

He started kissing me. Then clothes started coming off and then things got reaallll, blood was lost, screaming was happening, back scratching was happening but it felt so good

The Next Morning

"Good morning Baby " Justin said too me as I woke up.

"Good morning. " I smiled

"So..." he said

"It hurted.. but it was so good." I said "my legs hurt so bad " I added.

"Sorry." He said

"Don't be" I said.

"I Love You" he said.

"Woah.. I Love You Too Justin" I smiled and kissed him.

The Boy Next Door-Justin Bieber StoryWhere stories live. Discover now