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The Next Morning 11:45am

I Woke Up, Daisa Was Still Sleep So I Went Next Door, Got In The Shower. About 25 Minutes Later I Heard Someone Call My Name

"In The Bathroom" I Yelled.

Then I Heard The Bathroom Door.

"You Okay?" I Heard A Voice Now Realizing Its Justin

"Yeah, Why You Ask?" I Asked..

"Your Mom.." He Answered.

"I'm Use Too It. It's Not Her First Time... Daisa Just Gotta Get Used Too It." I Said

"Where Do She Go?" He Asked.

"She Go like Outa Town Duh lol & Take Care Of Business. Kayla Family & Ours Take Turns . They Return Faster if They Had Ah Child With Them. Thats why Daisa Should've Went." I Said Still In The shower.

"Money?" He Asked.

"Why So Many Questions?

"Sorry" He Said.

"Can You Bring Me A Towel Tho ?" I Asked.

"Yeahh" He Said Walking Out & Returning With A White Towel.

"Thanks...Get Out" I Said Laughing.

I Got Out With The Towel Around Me. I Walked Into My Room Started My Music & Looked For Something to Wear. I Found something (At The Top) As I Was Just In My Panties & Bra I Dropped My Towel I Heard A Noise I Turned Around Super Fast Seeing Justin Staring at Me.

"OmGosh Justin What Are Doing In Here ?!" I Screamed.

"Why You Yellin? You Have A Perfect Body" He Said Smirking

"Thanks.." She Said Getting lost Into It. "Wait..No! Justin Stop!" She Said Snapping Outta It.

"No , Fr.. I'd Love To Have My Girl Have A Body Like That We Would stay At The Beach " Be Said Smiling As He Walked Up To Me.

"What Are You Doing?" I Asked.

he didn't say anything he just walked up to me & we connected eyes. That Moment My Body Totally Was Owned Over He Kissed Me I Kissed Back It Was Soooooo Amazing! Like Ommmgg this boy had the most amazing lips ever

Justin Point Of View

As I Seen Liyah Kinda Folding In, I Made My Way Over To Her I Stared At Her. She tried Not To Stare Back But She Did Then I Went In For A kiss, Im Surprised She Kissed Back. Things Really Started To Get Hoott We Made Our Way To Her Bed I Fell Back and Got On Top Of Me The Kiss Never Broke. My Shirt Started Coming Off Then..

End Of Point Of View

"Hey Guys Daisa Is W..." Chaz came into the room seeing them

I Didn't Move Fast I Just Got Off Justin And Used His Very Large Shirt To Cover My Body,

"What?" Justin Asked Sounding Very Irritated .

"Daisa Woke, She's Looking For Liyah." Chaz Said.

"Thanks Chaz " I Said Smiling

"Np" he said Walking out.

"Well.. that was nothing but AMAZING! we have to try that again" Justin Said jumping up and down like a kid

Laughing "Shut Up" I Said Putting On My Clothes.

"Got Me Horny And We Can't Finish The Job" He Said Smirking.

"Your Ah Pig " I Said Giggling.

"You Just Made Out With This Pig" He Said Hitting My Butt And Turning Me Around Towards Him.

The Boy Next Door-Justin Bieber StoryWhere stories live. Discover now