Chapter 11

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"You heard about Justin & Aaliyah party?"

"Yes Girl, its tonight you going?"


"Me too!"

Bell Rings.

"Have Your Seats" Mrs. Seawood said
"Today, your working on your 15 paragraphs its due Next week on the 23rd, write about your life and how you may wanna turn out in the future also about your past life " she said and was writing Awh it on the board.

"Yes Mrs.Seawood" Everyone Said

"Also, now you can pick someone & both of you can Talk About what you're gonna write about, i be right back" she said stepping out.

"So..who awwh going too My Party?" I Asked.

The Whole Class Room Just Got Loud Talking about It. Justin Is at Home, Idk Why.

"Class Its Too Loud!" She Looked in at us.

"Im so bored" Kayla Said.

"I Swear, School Need To Hurry. Its Like Last Hour Is The Longest." I Said.

"Im Hip!" She said laughing.


Everyone Got up & was walking out.

Justin House.

"Juussttiinnn?" I Yelled thru The house"Jussttiinn Wher Ar-" I Stopped At What I Seen

"Hey...Liyah Im Sorry She Came I Didnt Know.." he said looking at me getting up.

"Hi...Liyah." ?? said.

"China" I Said.

"Liyah Im Sorry" he said getting close too me.

I Backed up "Um.. I Was here Too tell you, I cant make the party. I have 15 paragraphs to write." I Said walking out.

"Liyaah!" He yelled my name.

"Justin, stop chasing her. She doesnt want you, like I want you." China said kissing his neck.

Liyah Point Of View

Im Tryna Do My Homework, Im On My 9th Paragraph. Its Kinda Hard With Justin party being very loud. Irs like the whole School.. to bad I won't be there.. I have allot of homework.. but I am hungry I should eat something ... What if I wana go to that party tho..

End Of Point Of View.


"Hey Justin! Where Is Aaliyah!? This her party too right?" Some Girl asked.

"She not coming I Guess" he said.

"Awwh!" She said dancing like crazy.

"This partyy is sick!" China Said Dancing On Justin.

"Ik" he said dancin.

Ryan Was Drinking.

Justin Point Of View

As China Dancing on me, the door open. Its Someone With a hot ass body, and like a half shirt, long shirt type of thing she grabbed everyoe attention. Even mine, as I finally looked up at her face.. Its Liyah. She had a little smile on her face as she walked in. China noticed how much attention she had.

End Of Point Of View.

"Hey Ryan" I Said Drinking Also.

"Woah Liyah.. You Gotta body Like woooaaahhh!" Ryan Said,

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