Chapter 6

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"Wow.. I Knew It...I Just Knew Yall Had Ah Thing For Each other." China Broke Down Crying.

"Im Sorry.. I Promise I Don't Want Justin" I Said Still Standing There.

"No You Bitch I Knew You Were Gonna Come Between Us... You Ain't Shit Justin Ill Be Gone With Inn Two Days" China Stood Up, Wiped Her Tears & Left Out.

"What's Going On?" My Mom Said Walking Into The Room.

"nothing Ma." I Answered.

The Next Morning

I Got Up, Got ready For School, Shower, Hair Normal Things. My Little Sister Takes The Bus Now. So I Don't have to Take Her. Justin Stayed Ah Night. We Both Getting Ready.

"So...."Justin Said.

"Wassup?" I Asked.

"Last Night.." He said.

"What About It? Justin.. I Like You..but no" I Said

"I Understand Totally." He Said

"Do I Look Cute?" I Asked.

"Always." He Sad Smiling.

"You Ready?" I Asked.

"Yes" He Said.


"Hey Liyah." ?? Said.

"Uh...Hey?" I Said Shaking.

"I'm Liam"He Said.

"Yeah.. I Know.. Everyone no." I Said Smiling

"Wanna Ditch School? Go Out Or Sum?" he asked me

I Looked At Justin Who Was Talking to Some Girl.

"Sure.. Why Not? but After School Would Be Better. I Said

"Im Down.. butt You Look Cute." He said Making Me Blush

"Thank You" I Said Smiling Tryna Stop


"thats the bell.. see you" I Said Walking Over To Justin

"Really For Class?" he asked..

"Yeah." I Answred

"here my number " The girl said giving it to him.

"Wow" I Said.

"What?" he asked

"You Can Totally Do Better." I Said Laughing

"W|Ever." he said as we walked into class.

"Everyone knows prom is coming up . Homecoming was Good.. Prom Will Be Great! In Two Weeks.. You Guys Will Have Ah 2k14 Prom" The Announcements Came Thru The Room.

"Yesss!" Girl Next Too Me Said

I Just Sat There Even Tho I Was Super ..Happy I Just Bust Out Crying.

"Liyah??" Justin Came Over To Me

I Got Up And Ran Out, Ik Justin Was Behind Me.

"What's Wrong??" He Asked Me.

"Prom Was For Kayla & I, I Just Miss Her So Fucking Much Man.. We Grew Up Together Now She's Just Gon I Have NO IDEA WHERE SHE IS. I HAVEN'T HEARD FROM HER JUSTIN I go to sleep every night praying that she is okay! my Bestfriend is out somewhere probably okay but I don't know that so I can't be okay. I'm Hurt Inside ..She Just Left Me..." I Cried Breaking To My Knees

"I'm Sorry.. I Promise She Will Come Back , Donr Give Up " Justin Said Holding Me

Everyone Was Watching Us. Even Liam. Kinda Embarrassing But I Didn't care.. I Miss My Bestfriend

The Boy Next Door-Justin Bieber StoryWhere stories live. Discover now