Chapter 25

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"Mom.. dad..? Care to explain." I said pushing my hair back .

"Your dad..and I are kinda seeing each other." She smiled a little

"That's great but.. pregnant?" I asked.

"Yeah.." she looked down.

'Your fr?" He asked

"Yes." She said.

"Wow.." he smiled.

"Happy?" She asked.

"Yes." He said and kissed her.

"Ew." I laughed.

Few Hours later

My mom and I been talking about prom.. Im happy its tomorrow. Ima look beautiful. Im wearing black, but I haven't Heard From Elijah. Ima call him.

Phone Conversation*

E- wassup?

A- nothing.. the way things happened with us this morning.

E- oh with you calling me Justin?

A- Elijah..If I Did Im Sorry Okay?

E- you okay.. Ive been waiting on yo fine ass to call me.

A- Ive had a long day.

E- wanna talk about it?

A- my mom and dad was on the low.. shes pregnant.. its alot.

E- that's not good news?

A- I mean.. it is its just... idk.

E- im happy for them.

A- whaatt eevveeerrrr! I laughed.

E- fr.

A- mhm.

E- yakno I've missed you.

A- ive missed you toooo! I was scared to call You seemed pretty mad.

E- Yeah.. Bout that..Im Sorry. Ya Probably Didnt mean too.

A- I didnt.

Few Hours later

Im watching tv and someone knock on the door.

"Liyah! Its for you." My dad yelled."

"Oh. Hey wats up?" I asked stepping out the house closing the door.

"I missed you." Elijah said.

"I've missed you too." I smiled.

"And...I forgot to ask You something." He added.

"Watsup?" I asked.

"Wanna go to prom with me?" He smiled

"Omg Yes!" I smiled hugging him.

"To close," my dad poked his head out the Window making me laugh .

Next Day

"Prommmm!" I screamed otp with Kayla.

"I hope you have fun..and! I wanna get some pictures!" She yelled.

"Will do." I Said.

"Time for you to get dressed!" My mom said

"Ill call you later" i said To Kayla and hung up.

6 Hours Later.

"Your ready." My mom smiled at me.

"My baby girl growing up" mdad laughed a little.

"Yup" i smiled.


The door bell went off

"Hi Elijah." My mom said.

"Sweety.." i heard my dad say

Then I walked into the hall way by the front door. His mouth dropped I smiled.

"You look Beautiful " he said.

"Thank You." I blushed.

"Pictures!" My momma yelled.


Elijah and I Walked into The Room as A Couple our friends ran up to us. It is such a good night the night got started then the nights went out so we were all standing there. When A light went onto thw stage and a light hit me.

It was Justin.

He began singing

Cant blame you..for thinking that ya never really knew me at all...I tried to Denied you but nother ever made me feel soo wrong. I thought I was protecting you everything That I Go Thru And ik how We Got Lost Along The Way...Here I Am With All My Heart I Hope You Understand I Hope You Understand..ik I let You Down But Im Never Gonna make That Mistake again

He stopped singing walked off the stage and kissed Liyah and She kissed back.

"Justin.." I said Breaking the kiss.

"I Love You." Justin said.

"I Love You Too." I said as he kissed me again

Few Weeks Later.

I haven't talked too Elijah.. I felt so bad afterwards. Ive been getting ready for college.. Actually today is the day I leave.. i, kinda late tho I was Supposed To Leave 2 days ago.

"Your ready?" My mom asked.

"Yes." I smiled walking out the door.


The Boy Next Door-Justin Bieber StoryWhere stories live. Discover now