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"Sorry? Your sorry?" Kelly giggled. "What's that sorry doing for my baby? Huh?" She asked.

Few Weeks Later

Justin Has Left To LA But Always Calls. Tracy has went out of town with her brother. Jeffrey, Kelly
, Daisa & Liyah Is Okay.

"Daddy?" Dasia said to Jeffrey.

"Wassup?" He said.

"Shes gonna be ok." She smiled.

A picture of Dasia is on the side.

"How old are ya na?" He asked changing the subject.

"13" she smiled.

"Aww grown up, I aint seen you in forever ill say" he said.

"Yeah i know. Ive missed you." She said.

"Hunny come here" Kelly said.

"Yes mommy." She said walking over too her.

"I Love You" kelly smiled and said.

"Love you too" she said pulling her phone out.

"Mom?" Liyah said.

"Yes sweetie." She said standing up.

"Im always gonna be like dis?" She asked.

"Like what?" She asked back.

"Like cant remember anything.." she saidb looking up at her.

"Well..youve been thru a lot..but the Doctor said it will come back. Just don't know when." She smiled.

"Like what?" She asked.

"Alot... foods.done." Kelly said getting up calling everyone to the food.

"Okay..." Liyah said under her breath.

"Its gonna be ok" Jeffrey whispered in her ear and kissed her forehead.

"What's for dinner?" Daisa asked.

"Chicken, And Spaghetti." Kelly smiled bringing 2 plates to the table then 2 more.

"So you guys are not together?" Liyah asked.

"No Sweetie, never again." She said but they both laughed.

"Your mom is to crazy for me." He said.

"No, he just couldn't handle it." Kelly looked at him.

"You do have school tomorrow then after that, therapy.. so after that go shower & get some sleep." Jeffrey said.

"Mmm. You've stepped up" Kelly said.

"Well.. I have one on the way so.." he said.

Daisa and Liyah been done and now was leaving the table.

"Goodnight" Dasia smiled and walked off with Liyah.

"So.. Tracy ..your the father?" Kelly asked.

"Yeah..." he answered.

"Congratulations" she raised Her glass

Jeffrey got up and went outside.
Kelly followed,

"Iont think Im ready for another child when I have 2." He answered looking at me.

"That's how things are now yakno.. deal with it." She said.

"Don't do that. Only kids I ever wanted wad the ones that came from you.. even tho you hate my guts." He laughed a little.

"Yeah.. it's called moving on." I said.

"What if Im just not ready to move on.. I mean im moved on just didn't wanna move on that far.. you wouldn't understand." He said.

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