Chapter 21

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"Did you guys here that?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah.. wanna check its out?" Maddie asked them.

"Come on" They said.

They started walking

"See that body laying on the ground?" Brittany Said and stopped walking.

"Its...its...Liyah!" Elijah said and took off rubbing towards her he dropped down on a knee and started yelling "call 911!" Jacob ended up calling few minutes later, ambulance came and hurried her into the thing and drove off. Her blood was on Elijah. She was lifeless.


"So happy im gonna see Liyah.. she don't even know." He said to Selena.

"Yaaayyy" she said.

"Get ready for that concert." Scooter said walking in.

"Alr" he said.


We rushed to Liyah house to inform that she had Just been in an Accident. They then rushed out the house abd headed to the hospital. Elijah Looked so sick, sad, a lot of stuff.

"Eli? Want me to drive you home?" Jacob asked.

He didn't say nothing. Just walked towards the car. We all followed. Once we got there, Maddie And Brittany Stayed In the car.

" hes fine.. something happened to someone he care about and.. Idk" Jacob said still shaking. "Just keep an eye out for him." I said and walked back to the car.

"Im shaking so hard" Jacob said.

"Me to.. I hope you okay." Brittany said.


" daughter!" Her dad said in tears.

"What about her?" The lady said

"She uh.." he said shaking tryna get the words out

"She has been in an Accident & we need the information"

"Name?"she said.

"Aaliyah" he said.

"Room 541, but right now she's in surgery." She answered.

We ran to the surgery room to get information.

"Yes. That's my daughter." He said.

"Okay sir. Where doing everything we can. She has broken bones and was hit pretty hard." The Man said.

"Broken bones?" My dad asked.

"Yeah..leg, arm, and few ribs. Police are looking for the person whove done it."

"When will she be out of surgery?"

"Few more hours but she's in a coma." He said running back into the room.

Next day School, Tuesday .


"Elijah haven't did no work today.. hes not eating and haven't said not one word, its all over the news.


"Concert last night was Amazing." Justin said.

"Justin..." Scooter said


"Watch this.." he said.

On the t.v. it says:

17 Year Old Aaliyah----- Has Gotten In An Car Accident On Her Way From School. It Has Been More Than 24 Hours Since The Accident, The Information We Got Is The Police Is Out Looking For The Person Who Did It & Also She Is Out Of Surgery But Still in A coma. Family and Friends.. you will be in out prayers.

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