Chapter 14

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"So, what you want too do today?" He asked me.

"I'm... staying in bed cause my legs." I said running my foot up and down on his leg.

"Ill stay in with you? We can invite people over? " he asked.

"Fine with me, let me go shower" I said making it too the bathroom with him laughing.

15 minutes later.

"Ugh that was hard." I said.

"I know, want something too eat?" He asked.

"Yesss, we cooking or ordering? " I asked.

"I already cooked." He said

"Look at chooo!" I said smiling.

"Here you go." He said handing me ah plate.



Few Hours Later.

"We are heerreeee!!" We heard from the kitchen.

Its, Ryan, Chaz, Kayla, & Jazmine.

"Hey Y'all!" I smiled.

"Heeeyyyy!" They said

"I wanna move too Georgia" I Said.

"Why?" Jazmine asked.

"Idk.. im getting my plane ticket inna week anyone wanna come?" I asked.

"Im coming" Justin Said.

"Ik you are" i smiled.

"Well.. im down" Kayla said.

"So am I!" Jazmine said.

"Ryan.. Chaz?" Justin said

"Ill go." Chaz said.

"Nah, Ima go back too Canada " Ryan smilied.

"So..its on?" I Asked.

"Yup!" Justin Smiled.

"When Tho?" Kayla Asked.

"Maybe Ina Mouth Or 2 dont wanna rush it." I said.

Few Weeks Later

Ryan Left Back Too Canada , Jasmine and Chaz Kicking It, and Kayla On The Phone. Justin Went out Im At Home.

"KAAYYLLLAAA!!" I screamed.

"What?" She said.

"Wyd?!!" I yelled .

"On the phone" she said.

"With who?" I asked.

"Someone I Talk Too" she answered.

"Naammmee?"I asked

"Makayala." She said.

"On that level?" I asked walking down the stairs.

"Yeah, why?" She asked.

"I didnt knooww!" I Smiled.

Now you do." She said.

"How long?" I asked again

"Few months." She said smiling.

"YAL CUTE!" I yelled into the phone hearing her laugh.
"So when can we awh met?" I asked.

"Thats the problem, she live in Georgia." She said.

"We moving too Georgia. Remember?" I said.

"Oh Yeah! Bab? I Forgot We Moving Too Georgia " She said Too Her.

Phone Conversation.

M- omg! So we can finally see each other?

K- yes, ima be so happy.

M- me too, Like ommgg awh my friends wanna met you, my dad want too met you .

(Her Mom Left Her With Her Dad.)

K- oh , so they know about me?

M- Yess, why wouldn't they.

K- no reason, but Bab, Ima call you back. I Love You.

M- I Love You More

End Of Conversation

"Yal Cute!" I Said.,

"Hey baby." Justin Said Walking In.

"Hey Bae" I said smiling.

Few Hours Later.
Everyone is there.

"Okay.. I Have an Announcement Too Make!" Kayla Said.

Everyone stopping and looked at her.

"Okay .. so Only 1 Person In this house knows, anyways I want everyone too know something about me.. Im A Lesbian.. ive been talking too this girl name Makayala. Now Its been months the problem is.. she Live In Georgia Good thing about that is we moving too Georgia.." I Said.

"Woah.. No wonder you never checked Ryan or Chaz Out" Justin Said Laughing.

"Thats so cool, I dont judge. My mom is Lesbian." Jazmine said.

She Just Smiled.

The Boy Next Door-Justin Bieber StoryWhere stories live. Discover now