Chapter 10

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Few Weeks Later.

Everyone is Very close. Im with Laim, Justin With Some Girl Name April She Seem Cool. She Pretty With Orange Hair but It Fits. Daisa Went To Say With My Grandma, Pattie Out Of Town. Chaz Left For One More Week Its Just Justin, April, Ryan, Kayla & I

"wanna go to the movies?" Laim Asked Me

"when?" I Asked Watching him play with my feet.

"Tomorrow night." He answered .

"I'm down with that." I Said Smiling

"you Hungry?" He asked again.

"nah, I'm Sleepy Plus..School Tomorrow. so Let's Go to sleep" I Said Getting Up pulling him with me.

"Ughh okay" he said.

Justin House

"I'm So Bored" Justin Said .

" Its Like 9pm, You have school" Ryan Said

"You Doo Too!" Justin laughed.

"So..Night" Ryan Said Walking Away.

Justin Point Of View

I thought about going to Liyah House but Liam there.. He's been taking awwh her time up I mean its, not getting to me I just miss hanging with her, most my attention is on my Girlfriend tho. April Is The Best. She So Nice and Her life Fits Mine.

End Of Point Of View.

The Next Morning

"Baby.. Wake up, Time For School" Laim said

"Ugghhh." I Said Walking Into The Bathroom.

Then someone knocked on the door.

"I'll get it" he said walking out the room.
.."sup?" Laim Asked

"Liyah.." He Said Back

"Sorry Justin, She In The Shower." He Said

"I Can Sit Til She Get Out." Justin Said Walking in the house.

"How is April?" Laim Asked

"She Good, Even Tho She Going To College In Ah Few Months." Justin Answered.

"Bab?" i Said Walking Into The Living Room "oh Justin, hey" I Said .

"Hey Liyah" Justin Said

"Why You Here? Not Like That but What Bring You?" I Asked

"Just Wanted Too Knowb if Y'all Needed Ah Ride?" He asked us

"nah, We Good." Laim Said

"I'll Walk You Out" I Said .

"Liyah..we Don't... Nvm okay" Justin Said

"I'm Sorry" I Said As He Walked Away.

"You Okay?" Laim Asked .

"um.. Yeah, Im Okay .. But I Have a Question. " I Said

He Just Looked At Me

" Do you like Justin?" I Asked

"No." He answered

"What? Why?" I Asked Again.

"Just Don't, Are you ready ?" He then asked me

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