Chapter 19

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The next morning I woke up with a bad pain in my stomach when I Realized The Time Of The Month. I got up and ran to the bathroom. Good thing I was just coming on and nothing came out I found some tampons i put on/in how ever you wanna say it but My cramps were horrible! I woke Brittany up and told her what happen she got me a pain pill. After that I got I on my phone.

"Everything okay?" Jacob asked me.

"Im fine." I smiled.

"Soo you and Elijah." Hee said sitting next to me.

I didn't say anything just looked at him.

"Y'all would be cute." He said.

"How? Iont even know the kid" I giggled.

"Just saying. I mean you did kiss him" he smirked.

"It was a daarreee!" I laughed waking Maddie Up.

"Goodmorning" she smiled walking into the bathroom

"Sup?" Elijah said sitting with us.

"Nun much, just talking" Jacob said.

"Liyah. Wanna go to the mall or something later?" Elijah asked me.

"Sure, why not." I smilied.
"I need your number tho." I said

"Ooo so do you." He grained.

"Nvm then" I laughed.

"Here" he said taking my phone.

"Alr guys im gone!" I smiled taking my phone

"See you later" he said as I walked out.

I end up walking home along walk.


Selena woke me up out my sleep to tell me Dumb stuff. I haven't talked to Liyah.. its like she completely shut me out her life.. I didn't do anything wrong, I told her about the Selena thing and everything maybe she just..Idk but I have a concert today this famous stuff Is kinda fun. Fans money girls.

"Hey baby" Selena smiled.

"Wassup." I said.

"Wanna do something today?" She asked.

"Like what?" i asked.

"Anything.. doesn't matter to me." She said.

"Im just gonna chill and try to talk to Liyah." I said.

Selena just walked out.


I made it home and got in the shower once I got out, My dad asked did I want to go swimming..

"Im ...." I said embarrassed.

"I get it." He smiled and walked away.

I then walked into my room and changed into a dress And watched tv and got a text from Elijah.

E- hey cutie.

L- heey . :)

E- wyd?

L- just got out the shower..watching tv wbu?

E- talking to aww them wishing you were here ☺☺

L- awwh ❤ how cute

E- oh yeah! All of us are going to the movies later on. Wanna join?

L-im down.. where?

E- Belair..on Strasburg

L- yeah fs.

He didn't text back so I took a nap


"Get up, don't you have somewhere too be ?" Tracy said tapping me.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"8:15" she said.

"Thanks.." I Smiled.

She walked out. I started getting ready. I put my hair in a bun and a different dress its red. I asked my dad for a ride. He took me and gave me money. I walked in and seen everyone..Maddie notified me we all paid for our tickets and food then Elijah grabbed my hand as I walked into the movie theater. Making me smile

"Soooo?" He said.

"Watt up?" I said sitting down next to him

"I Missed You." He said.

"Watch the movie" I giggled.

After The Movie

Everyone left and I was standing there.. my dad wasnt answering the phone so I started walking. Then a car pulled up thank God It Was Elijah.

"Come on" he smiled.

I got in. He pulled up to some house which im thinking is his.

"My house for the night?" He asked.

"No funny business." I said.

" i know" he said getting out the car same as Me.

We walked in and a little boy walked up too us.

"MOOOMMM! Eli have a girl in the house" he yelled.

Elijah laughed.

"Hi,Im Elijah Mother." She smiled taking my hand.

"Im Liyah" I Smiled.

Nothing Nasty tonight..ok?" She said looking at him.

"Maaa i knnooww" he laughed.

We then went to his room

'Nice room" i smiled

"Ik that to" he said winking.

"Don't get to Cocky na." I said.

"Im not.. tell me about your self." He said.

We talked all night. I ended up going to sleep putting Elijah On the floor.

Next Morning.

"Goodmorning" Elijah Said as He seen me get up.

"Wherea your mom?" I asked.

"Downstairs why?" He asked.

I didnt say anything just went to her.

"Word..please?" I asked almost in tears.

"Come on.." she said walking into the hallway.

"I need a pad... and ah painpill.. please" I Asked.

"Sure thing sweety" she said

I walked into the bathroom and did what I Was supposed to do and with inn 40 minutes I was okay.

"Im okay now." I said walking into the room

"I see." He said

I just got on my phone.

"So... you and This Justin Bieber kid." He Said outa no where.

"What?" I said

"When I put my number in He texted you." He said.

"Oh.. its nothing." i said.

"You sure?" He asked.

"Positive." I answered.

The Boy Next Door-Justin Bieber StoryWhere stories live. Discover now