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I wake up to Joji's voice, I look up at him and notice he's sitting up talking on the phone. He realizes I'm awake and smiles, "one sec dude my girlfriend just woke up." He leans over and kisses my forehead, "nice bedhead creep." I roll my eyes and put on my glasses, "you're one to talk with that morning breath you've got." The voice on the other side of his phone speaks up and I realize it's Brian, "damn bro that's cold haha. You got a feisty one, I like her." I sit up and put my head on Joji's shoulder introducing myself, "I'm Ash by the way." Brian grins, "yeah he's talked about you a lot and you probably already know I'm Rich Brian but I just go by Brian." I yawn and stretch, "well boys I've gotta brush my teeth and get dressed soooo." I stand up and look at Joji, "you should probably do the same." He rolls his eyes and climbs off of the bed following me into the bathroom leaving his phone on the bed. He wraps his arms around me as I get my toothbrush and toothpaste out and I look at him in the bathroom mirror. He gives me a cheesy grin, "what I just wanna give my girlfriend some affection. Even though I didn't even get a good morning kiss." I roll my eyes at him, "I'm not kissing you until you brush your teeth Miller," I mumble while brushing my teeth. He grabs his toothbrush and starts to brush his teeth while running to get his phone. Brian's voice appears as Joji walks back into the bathroom with his phone in one hand and his toothbrush in the other. "Nice of you guys to remember I exist." I rinse my mouth out and he hands me his phone so Brian will stop whining about being ignored and he can brush his teeth. "How's it going Bri?" I sit down on the counter. "Better now that I'm not just staring at the ceiling while you guys ignore me," he laughs sarcasm thick in his response. "We weren't ignoring you we were just brushing our teeth." I shake my head and smile. "Speaking of which," Joji rinses the toothpaste out of his mouth and turns my face towards him and kisses me. "You happy now that you've got a good morning kiss dummy?" He nods and Brian fake gags. I hop off of the counter and hand Joji his phone. Ian opens the bedroom door as I step out of the bathroom, "oh cool you're both awake, breakfast is downstairs." Joji pops his head out of the bathroom with his face partially shaved, "did I hear breakfast?" I sit down on the bed and put on a pair of socks not even bothering to change yet, "yep so hurry up before the dingos eat all the food." He returns to his task and I head downstairs to eat. Max and Chad are sitting out on the back deck already digging into their breakfast and Ian hands me a plate. "Morning dummy," I give Ian a side hug and make my way out of the back door to sit with the rest of the boys. "Look who survived the night," I ruffle Max's hair then sit down across from him and Chad. "Hardly," Max lifts his shirt showing where a Roman candle shot had hit him in the side. Joji comes outside with Ian, "yeah sorry about that one bud, should have dodged the other way." Max nods in agreement and continues to eat his breakfast. "What do you guys wanna get into today," Chad asks and takes a sip of his coffee. I shrug swatting Joji's hand away from my bacon and pick up my own coffee. "It's supposed to rain again most of today so there's not much we can really do," Ian mumbles with his mouth full of scrambled eggs. "There's an indoor aquarium and reptile zoo that's not too far from here," I glance up from my breakfast to see if anyone likes with my suggestion. "That could actually be really cool" Chad finishes his food and looks at the group. "We could do something else today if you guys don't wanna go," I take a bite of my pancake and after a moment everyone agrees. Joji snakes a piece of my bacon, "yo this is gonna be our real first date, just with three extra idiots tagging along." I smile and finish my food then take the dishes to the kitchen to clean them. After I finish dish duty I head upstairs and to get dressed. I grab a black tank top and the pair of overalls I packed and slip them on then grab my shoes. Joji comes in the room as I'm putting my shoes on so I jump up and hug him. "Someone is excited," he kisses my forehead then starts to get dressed too. "Of course I'm excited you said it's a date." I head to the bathroom and put on my makeup. "I love aquariums somehow my adhd mellows out anytime I go to one. It's probably why Ian took me to one for my birthday last year." I finish up my eye makeup and put on some lipgloss then brush my hair. Joji pops his head into the bathroom, "you ready? Because you're over here bouncing in place like the energizer bunny." I nod and grab my phone following him out of the room and downstairs. I jump on his back once we get to the bottom of the stairs and we head into the living room. Ian looks up, "I'm not getting stuffed into the back seat again. You guys wanna take two cars?" I shrug and we all go outside. Me Joji and Max all get in Joji's car, Chad and Ian climb into Ian's and we start towards the aquarium.

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