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I make my way upstairs to Joji's room a bit exhausted. I pick up my bathroom bag before heading into our now shared bathroom, putting my music on shuffle and get undressed as the shower warms up. I set my swimsuit to the side to dry and step into the shower letting it wash away the sand and salt water. I take my time washing my hair and just enjoy the moment of calm compared to the chaos of the day, granted it isn't a bad chaos, it's just getting a bit late and the quiet was nice. I finish my shower and wrap myself in one of the fluffy bathroom towels. I grab a pair of shorts and underwear from my bag then I notice Joji's suitcase is open, I grab one of his tee shirts. He is my boyfriend now so I'm sure he won't mind. I get dressed, mentally preparing myself for the rowdiness I'm no doubt walking back into downstairs. I step out of the bedroom pulling my still damp hair up and make my way downstairs, it's surprisingly quiet, entirely too quiet knowing the four idiots who are supposed to be in the empty living room. I turn back upstairs and peek into Ian's room, again no boys. I check my old room and the balcony before searching the first floor, still no drunk children in sight. I sigh heading to the last possible places they could be, the back deck or the beach. As I step onto the deck I'm greeted by the screech and eventual pop of fireworks then Max yelling. I shake my head and follow the path to the source of the noise. The boys found more Roman candles and are chasing each other around trying to hit each other with the small fireballs. Max is the first to notice my presence quickly attempting to hide the lit firework behind his back, "Hey Ash, what's up?" The Roman candle fires again from behind him, missing Ian by a few inches, "Hey what the hell? Oh shit hi Ash" he adjusts his glasses. Joji runs up out of breath, "I know I said I had it under control but they got a bit out of hand, so I figured if you can't beat 'em join 'em." I punch him lightly on the arm and before I get the chance to respond Chad tosses his arm around my shoulder, "don't worry you don't have to yell at us we're actually out of fireworks this time." Max pipes back up as he's throwing the Roman candle trash away, "We didn't even get the cops called so it's totally fine, let's go back inside and watch some stupid shit on the tv." I follow them up the path to the house, "By stupid shit do you guys mean all of your channels during the FilthyFrankTv era of YouTube?" Joji shoots me a look as we enter the house, "Absolutely not." Max, Ian and Chad all pile onto the larger couch, I quickly grab the remote and connect the tv to YouTube from my place on the smaller couch. "Don't you dare. As a matter of fact don't even think about it," Joji yells from the kitchen. I laugh and continue putting in my search, "It's a little too late for that," my response causes him to launch himself over the couch. He lands on me, a small "oof" escaping my lips as he attempts to snatch the remote from me. I slip the remote between my back and the couch as the Super Trash Bros. video begins to play on the tv. Joji sighs, "Fine you win, at least it's not one of the cake videos." I flash him a smile and he gets comfy laying on me his head resting on my chest as he watches the tv, "Good because we're watching the Gentleman's guide video and all the deadly twister videos after this." The four of them all groan in unison clearly disapproving in my choice.

Word count 673.

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