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We finally make it to the beach house. Ian wakes me up and I push my glasses up and stretch. My phone had fallen into the floorboard and slid under my seat, I get out and struggle to get it but eventually successfully grab it. I had forgotten about my new phone case, I laugh putting it in my pocket and grabbing my backpack before closing my door and walking to the back of the car where Ian was pulling our suitcases out of the trunk. I reach for mine but he swats my hand away, "I got it." He closes the trunk and walks past me with the bags in tow. I walks slowly behind him adjusting my backpack strap and hitting my vape. When we get to the door I expect him to unlock it but instead, he stops and knocks on it super loud. "HEY OPEN UP!" he yells knocking again. Before I realize who he was yelling at the door swings wide open revealing Joji who looks equally as surprised as me. The George Miller is standing two feet in front of me and staring at that. He looks at Ian after a few seconds, "who's this?" he gives me a goofy smile. Ian pushes passed him, "This is Ash, I told you I was bringing her dude. Ya got short term memory loss or something?" Joji steps aside and let's me in before closing the door behind us and turning to Ian again. "Guess I didn't realize she was a girl. Can't exactly see you as having a girl best friend and honestly, no offense" he looks over at me, "but when you said Ash I pictured some dorky Ash Ketchum type dude." He laughs. I smile "It's ok, and to be honest, I'm not sure how Ian is one of my best friends but he is" Joji chuckles and Ian acts hurt. I drop my backpack next to my suitcase and sit on the couch still kinda tired. "He's definitely a character." Joji smiles. "Well, let's show you guys your rooms and order some food and chill." I nod and picking up my bags and following Joji and Ian up the stairs. Once we get to the second floor we walk down a short hallway. Ian stops at the beginning of the hall and opens the door to a room, "dibs on this one, I'm gonna unpack. I'll see you guys downstairs in a few." Joji and I continue down the hall. There's big sliding glass doors leading to a balcony with a beach view at the very end of the hall. Just before the balcony there's another two doors on either side facing each other. Joji opens one of the doors and motions into the room, "This is your's I guess, I'm across the hall." He smiles pushing his hands into his pockets. I set my bags down. "So should I call you George or Joji or...?" I trail off pushing my glasses up again. He laughs again "Joji is fine." I smile, he's cute as hell. I'm not sure how I'm being so calm around him. "Wanna check out the balcony," I ask. He nods and leads me out of the room to the fairly big balcony. It's furnished with 2 outdoor couches and table, a big hammock, and fairy lights on the railing. The view is beautiful. "Uh well Ian's probably waiting" Joji states opening the sliding glass door, I step inside and he follows closing the door with an audible click. We head downstairs to find Ian flipping through channels on the tv. I hop over the back of the couch and sit next to him. I prop my feet up in his lap and pull out my phone looking for somewhere to order food, "what do you guys want to eat?" Joji sits on the other side of me and grabs my phone out of my hands, laughing examining my phone case. "Nice case. And honestly, I'm starving so I could care less about what we order." I snatch my phone back and roll my eyes, "Ian bought it and gave it to me because he's a troll, and what about Panda Express?" I click their page and hand Joji my phone back." works for me" he says ordering his food. Ian nods and goes back to watching tv until it's his turn to order. Joji hands me my phone and I quickly add my food to the order before handing it to Ian to do the same. A short time later the delivery is on its way and I head upstairs to grab my laptop and headphones so I can get some school work done. Ian yells as I'm leaving the room, "where are you going?" I stop and turn around, I'm kinda tired and Ian yelling is annoying. "I'm gonna go sit on the balcony and work on some school stuff while we wait for food. You guys can come sit with me if you want." Ian shrugs, "I'll come up when the food gets here I was just wondering where you were headed." I walk upstairs to my room, grab my backpack and head outside to the balcony getting comfy on the smaller couch before pulling out my laptop and plugging my headphones into my phone. I open Soundcloud and start my favorite playlist which coincidentally has a few of Joji's songs on it. Window starts playing and I get to work on my school stuff. It had been about 10 minutes and I was getting a lot done when I look up to see Joji coming to sit with me. He flops down on the tiny couch next to me, there isn't much space between us. "What's up?" He asks leaning his head on my shoulder and looking at my laptop. I blush and give him a small smile, "school stuff. Listening to music." He picks up the earbud I'm not using and puts it in his ear, Think About U is playing he looks at me and grins. I blush even more, "uhhh... I.. My music is on shuffle." He laughs and pushes his hair out of his face, "Sure it is. Good taste in music though." He winks. "Well... I may be a bit of a fan." I smile looking back at my laptop to avoid looking at that stupid adorable grin that makes me blush every time. "Yeah, that's what I thought." I shake my head finishing up the last question on my assignment before putting my laptop back in my bag and taking it inside. I come back and sit next to Joji again. I hit my vape and offer him one of my headphones, he smiles again and takes it. "Lemme see that" he reaches for my vape, I hand it to him and watch as he exhales a decent sized cloud. A few minutes later Ian comes up with the food. He kinda gives us a look and I realize how close we are and I blush again. Ian hands out the food and we all joke and play around as we eat. Joji and I make fun of Ian's lack of chopstick skills. We finish eating and Ian takes the trash inside to throw away and edit a video. Joji and I sit outside a little longer just talking, listening to music and getting to know each other. We head inside as it starts to get dark. Joji stops me as I'm going into my room. "You wanna come watch a movie with me" he gives me that grin that will never cease to melt my heart, I can't tell him no. "Sure, let me change first" I reply with a smile. "I'll be across the hall," he says as I close my door.

Word count 1306.

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