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We finish eating and go our separate ways to finish getting ready to go to the beach. I run downstairs to watch tv while the boys get ready, I lay across the couch watching an episode of Rick and Morty. A few minutes into the episode there's a knock at the door, "Guys someone's here" I yell up the stairs, in return I get no answer and another persistent knock on the door. "Alright hang on geez I'm coming," I mumble jogging to the door. I open it and before I can react Max is hugging me and lifting me off the floor. "What is this a cancer crew reunion? Why wasn't I told about this??" I huff as Max sets me down and Chad sweeps me into a suffocating hug. "We'll not exactly a reunion. We just decided to take up Ian's offer of helping him bug you this weekend since we were in the area" Max replies smiling. I push Chad off of me earning a disappointed gasp, "IAN YOU LITTLE SHIT!" I yell heading towards the stairs, the two Aussies giggling maniacally behind me. I reach Ian's door and he opens it, "You called?" He asks fighting laughter. I step aside revealing Max and Chad motioning towards them in frustration, "When the fuck were you gonna tell me the dingos were in town, or better yet when were you gonna tell me they were gonna be staying here this weekend?" He smiles knowing I'm frustrated and a bit overwhelmed but not mad, "They're your surprise, well part of it anyway. Mostly the surprise was you finally getting to meet Joji but I know you love Max and Chad so it was an add on surprise I guess" I shake my head the shock of the boys showing up eventually subsiding. "Fine" I sigh knowing I'm gonna get bullied by Chad, but being the 'baby' of the group it's to be expected. Plus it's not that bad. "Well well well what do we have here?" Joji says as he comes down the hall. "Well if it isn't our man Papa Franku, heh I mean Joji," Chad says laughing and slapping him on the back. Max wraps his arms around me and I lean back on him as we talk. Chad pulls his hair up and looks at all of us, "Who's ready to party?" I roll my eyes at him, "Chad it's not even noon, calm down. We all know if you guys start partying this early I'll be cleaning up you and Max's puke before it's even dark out." He glances between me and Max in a moment of thought before nodding slightly, "By the way where are me and maxi pad sleeping?" Max squeezes me a bit, "I got dibs on Ash's bed" he jokes. "Don't worry Ash we can share my room so you don't gotta deal with Max's snoring and beer breath this weekend, I've got plenty of room to spare in my bed." Joji smiles and winks at me. "Oooh, our boy is spitting game. Looks like he stole your best friend Max." Chad giggles and nudges him. In an impulsive bid to get Ian back for surrounding me with idiots and to keep Max and Chad from drunkenly flirting later today I wiggle from Max's grip and take Joji's arm, "I'll take you up on that offer, if you're serious anyway." He looks a little shocked but shrugs, "I'm down." I smile knowing Ian will be on guard because that means I'll be sleeping in the same bed with Joji the last 3 days of the trip and he's overprotective of me because we're basically siblings. But what makes it even better is the fact that it means I'm gonna get to spend a lot more time with Joji than I have been. "Wanna help me get my stuff so Max and Chad can fight over the room?" Joji nods and follows me into my room, Ian pops his head into the room and I send Joji into the bathroom to pack my things in there, "I know you two are a thing or whatever now but I'd prefer NOT to hear you two if you..... Ya know. So maybe don't mess around? Thanks. Good talk guys." I laugh so hard at Ian's statement that Max comes into the room to give me a look of concern before shaking his head and walking off again. I focus my attention back to packing my clothes and shoes into my suitcase so I won't forget anything. Joji sticks his head out of the bathroom, "Don't worry Ian we'll keep it down, I mean you didn't hear us last night" he chuckles to himself and I launch one of my slides at him while Ian looks like he's either gonna kill Joji or faint. "Alright, I'm joking. Sorry." I shake my head at him and he winks at me earning the other slide thrown at him this time it makes contact with his thigh, "Would you finish putting everything up in there. I don't wanna spend all day moving a couple things across the hall." He brings me the shoes I threw at him and goes back to his simple task of packing my makeup and bathroom items into my bathroom bag. He finishes as I put the rest of my clothes into my suitcase and drops it next to me. I stand up to pack my backpack, "I just need to grab my laptop and stuff and put it in my backpack, can you take that across the hall?" He puts my bathroom bag in my suitcase, "Of course, I'll see you across the hall" he says picking up the suitcase and tossing it over his shoulder. I kiss him on the cheek, "Thanks." He smiles noticing my slight blush, "No problem. Oh and as your new roommate I feel like I should tell you you're blushing again." He turns and heads across the hall. I shake my head gathering my chargers, laptop, book, vape, cigs and lighter putting them all in my backpack before zipping it up and throwing it on my back and grabbing my phone before heading across the hall to me and Joji's now shared room.

Word count 1046.

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