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{Tommy POV}
"YOU HAVE A SISTER?!" I yelled, surprised.

"Uh yeah?" Wilbur said, he sounded confused
"why haven't you mentioned her before?!" I asked, I've never heard of her until today
"I guess I never thought to" wilbur said
"can I meet her after stream?" I asked
"maybe, I'll check with her." wilbur said, continuing our game of bedwars.

~Time Skip~

I ended my stream after saying bye to chat.
"so Wilbur, can I meet your sister now?" I asked, I was still curious since I haven't heard of her, yet I've known Wilbur for a while.
"Oh right, I'll go get her." Wilbur said, standing up and walking away

{Dakota POV}

'aghhhhh! this problem is confusing...' I thought to myself, I was busy doing my homework when someone knocked on my door. I begrudgingly got and opened the door to see Wilbur
"Hey Kody, my friend Tommy wants to meet you." He said
"oh, I said hi earlier but sure. though I can't for long I have homework to do, 'kay?" I said
"okay, I have to do some things so I won't be there but I'm gonna give him your discord."
Wilbur said, walking out of my room and closing the door behind him.

I walked over to my computer and opened it up, opening discord to see a friend request from someone. accepting it, and almost immediately getting a call.

I accepted the call but didn't turn my camera on, I was never really comfortable sharing my face with people online. there's only one person I've ever shared my face online with, my best friend Max, I've known them for years. since I was 12, so around 6 years if I've done my math correct, then again I'm bad at math...

"hello again!" Tommy said, he sounded very cheerful
"Hi" I said quietly, I was never really a people-person, socializing was never my strong suit.
"I'm Tommy, but I think you already knew that." Tommy said laughing a bit
"uhm you can call me Koda" I said, I didn't want to share my real name just yet.
"what do you do, Koda? like for fun" Tommy asked
"oh uh I sometimes stream, after Wil started it looked like fun so I started too. I average around 20 views per stream. what about you?" I answered, somewhat proud
"you stream? pog! I do aswell! I stream a lot of minecraft. you might've heard about me, I'm on the dream smp!" he said proudly

"the dream smp? whats that?" I asked, I might stream a bit but I don't watch much youtube or twitch
"WHAT?! HOW THE HELL HAVE YOU NEVER HEARD OF IT?!" Tommy screamed, startling me a bit.
"Oh god shut up you are going to burst my eardrums!" I screamed back
"Oh sorry, but seriously how have you never heard of it? your brother is on it as well." He said, quieter
"I don't watch anything my brother streams or posts, hell I haven't even looked at his channel since he started" I said, it was true, I don't watch him at all. for all I know he might not be popular at all, or the other way around. he could be really popular but since I haven't checked I wouldn't know
"wait, for real? you should check." Tommy said, amusement in his voice
"uhm okay..?" I said, slightly confused and concerned

I opened up youtube and checked his following
"HOLY CRAP- 5.87 MILLION?!" I screamed, shocked that he actually got popular
"impressive huh?" Tommy said, he sounded proud for his friend
"uh yeah! pft and I thought I was doing good.." I said half-heartedly
"hey! you're doing good, better then a lot of people actually. and maybe one day you'll get bigger! don't get upset just because you aren't as popular as one specific person." Tommy said softly, in a very caring tone, it surprised me honestly, for the small bit I've known him, and from what I've heard from Will he was usually loud and chaotic.
"oh don't worry, I'm not upset! plus if I ever am upset about my following I'll just steal Wilbur's clout" I laughed, Tommy laughed as well.

We talked for another 2 and a half hours till Tommy said he had to go, we said goodbye and hopped off the VC.


Hey, it was cool getting to meet you! we should talk again sometime.

Yeah! you seem pretty cool :]

thanks! you do to :D
Goodnight Koda!

Goodnight child >:]


Yes you are

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I checked the time and saw it read 11:48
'oh shit its getting late and I still need to do my homework!!! crap crap crap' I thought to myself as I took my binder out again, opening it up to where I was working. before starting I opened up spotify on my computer and started playing one of my albums, quietly vibing to the music"

{Wilbur POV}
I quietly knocked on Dakotas door, after not hearing an answer I slowly opened it to see her passed out on her desk, pencil in hand. she had her earbuds in listening to some music, though I saw discord open with her and Tommy's messages. I read the messages and smiled, I'm glad the got along, I could hear them yelling and talking earlier.

I turned off her computer and took her earbuds out, carefully lifter her out of her chair and into her bed, she was a relatively small girl so it was pretty easy.

after putting her in bed I pulled the blanket over her and turned off her lights and quietly closing her door.

Ayooooo chapter 2 doneeeeeee

how are you guys enjoying it so far?
I'm not a very good writing but I'm practicing so hopefully it'll get better as it goes along.

Remember to eat some food
Drink some water (not an energy drink like me, water >:[ )
and get some rest!
I love you and am very proud of you <3
feel free to rant in the comments or DM me if you'd like :]

Words: 972
(see! I promised a longer chapter :D )

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