I like y......

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Hey, sorry for not posting. My birthday was a couple of days ago so I was celebrating that, and with Christmas coming up I've had to help decorate the house and buy gifts for family and friends. I'm going to try and post an update at least once a week, though no promises.

-Dakota POV-

Tommy and I walked to a small park and went and sat on the swings, just talking about everything and nothing. After a couple of minutes of silence, I decided to say something.

"What's your best pickup line?" I said nonchalantly
"Pffft- what!?" Tommy laughed
"S-sorry was that weird?" I laughed awkwardly
"I mean, a bit. I don't really use pickup lines?" He said kind of confused
"... can I tell you my favourite ones?" I asked

I looked over at him and his face was bright red, it was adorable
"I-I mean sure?" He said confused and awkwardly
"Do you believe in love at first sight," I started
"Or should I walk by again?" I finished, his face got impossibly redder and he burst out laughing.
"I gotta admit, that was smooth." He laughed

"Wait wait I'm not done- are- are you the nether? Cause you're hot." I tried not to laugh, ultimately failing and bursting out laughing
"Are you the end? Cause you- you're out of this world." Tommy said, also laughing.

We continued flirting and saying random cheesy pick up lines for a few minutes.

-Tommy POV-

'It's now or never...' I think to myself
'I gotta tell her.' I look at her laughing with that bright smile of hers.
"They say honesty is the best policy, so I have to tell you that I like yo-" I started, getting interrupted by an unfamiliar male voice.

"Dakota, didn't expect to see you here so late." The guy said. Who is this dude?
"Oh... uhm Joseph... hi." She said, her face dropped, she didn't look happy to see this 'Joseph' guy.
"Who's the kid?" He said, pointing to me
"Oi! I am not a kid! I am-" she cut me off.
"This is my online friend. He's down for my birthday." She said.

"Online? What have I told you about meeting up with strangers online?! They could be freaks. Don't meet up with weirdos again, okay?" He said, at least he cares about her.
"Joseph, I can meet up with whoever I please, can you go... please? I'm trying to have a good time with a friend and I don't-" she started
"Now now, that's no way to treat your boyfriend." He said, glaring at her.

'Of fucking course she has a boyfriend!! What was I thinking...' I sighed
"Come on Koda, it's getting late, we should go back." I said sternly. I stood up and started walking away with her. I looked back to see him glaring daggers at me.

-Dakota POV-

We got back to my place and Tommy looked... frustrated. I couldn't help but feel I didn't do something wrong.

"Hey Tom, you okay..?" I asked, putting my shoes away.
"I'm fine." He said, though I'm pretty sure he was lying.
"Are you-" I started, he looked at me
"I said I'm fine... I'm going to bed. Goodnight Koda." He said, walking to the guest bedroom. I sighed and walked to my room quietly, as to not wake Max, who was sleeping on a small bed on the floor in my room.

I tossed and turned a bit, struggling to sleep.
After about an hour of trying, I gave up and grabbed my phone and headphones and walked to the living room. Slumping down on the couch and opened my phone.

After a few minutes, someone else sat next to me on the couch. I looked up to see Wilbur.
"Hey... can't sleep either?" I asked, he quietly shook his head and looked at me.
"What's keeping you up? You usually fall asleep quickly." He said. I sighed and closed my phone.

"While Tommy and I were at the park... we ran into Joseph." I said, Wilbur looked pissed.
"What did that bastard do? I swear to god I'll-"
He started
"Wilbur it's fine, he just..." I started, thinking of a way to put it so it wouldn't piss Wilbur off more.

"Just said that I was his girlfriend and got fricking pissed when I said I met up with an online friend." I said, that wouldn't piss him off? Right..?
"That fucking... what's his number?" He said, well shit, I think I pissed him off more.

"Wilbur no-"
"Wilbur yes, now what's that bastard's number?!" He said kind of loudly, startling me a bit.
I gave him the number and he instantly started typing. This is not going to end well, is it?

Happy holidays everyone 🥳

Schlatt just released merch and I want some so fricking bad but I'm pooooorrrrrr :[

Words: 815

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