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Wilbur moved out of the way so we could see each other, and just like I thought, there stood
Mr innit himself...

{Tommy POV}

We pulled into Wilburs driveway, I got out of the car and ran up to the door quickly knocking, suddenly feeling a lot of nervousness rush over me. The door opened and there stood Wilbur
"Hey! how was the drive?" he asked, my nerves went down a bit, I gave Wilbur a big hug.
"it was cool, I got to see Tubbo aswell so that was fun!" I said, and thats when I heard her...

"Tommy..?" I heard an all too familiar voice say.
"Tommy!" she yelled, running to me and engulfing me in a hug
"Koda..?" I said, I was blushing like crazy, I think Wilbur noticed.
"Wilbur didn't tell me you were the one coming! oh my god it's so good to finally meet you!" she said excitedly, I pulled away from the hug, looking over her features, she was beautiful...

"alright you two lovebirds, you two go talk, I'm going to order a pizza." Wilbur said, the first part causing me to blush impossibly more. Koda laughed, grabbing my hand and pulling me with her.
"come on Tommy, I want to show you my room! I upgraded my setup a bit!" she pulled me into what I assumed was her room.

"look look! I decided a while ago I wanted reds, oranges and yellows for my setup, but now since its almost fall it'll match all my fall and halloween decorations! she said excitedly

we'd been talking for about 13 minutes when she got a text on her phone, she picked it up and her face fell.

"whats wrong Koda?" I asked, she quickly smiled, though I could tell it was forced
"n-nothing!" she answered pretty quickly, Wilbur then knocked on the door and walked in
"Pizzas downstairs, you guys coming to eat?" Wilbur asked, soon seeing Koda looking upset
"yeah, I'll meet you two downstairs" I said, quickly leaving so they could talk.

after a minute or two they came to the kitchen, Wilbur walked up to me and passed me a plate so I could dish up for myself.
"are you going to have any, Dakota?" Wilbur asked, I looked at her confused
"Dakota? I thought your name was Koda" I said
"Oh, uh my real name is Dakota, but my online name is Koda. I don't like using Dakota online." she said
"oh... cool.." I said, Koda put down the plate Wilbur passed her
"I'll have later, I'm not hungry right now." she said

TW: Mentions of ED

"Dakota, no, come eat." Wilbur said strictly
"I said I'm not hungry, I'll be in my room" she said, quickly running into her room.
"Dakot- seriously she's going to get  herself sick.." Wilbur sighed, looking worried
"What? is she okay?" I asked worriedly
"she suffers from Anorexia, an eating disorder, she'll go for weeks without eating anything" he said, he sounded really worried about her, and now I was too.
"I can try go talk to her if you want..?" I asked
"do you mind? she would probably listen to you more then me anyway.. 
"I don't mind at all" I said putting my plate down and walking to her room.


I walked up to her door, hearing quiet sobbing from the inside, I knocked lightly
"Wilbur I said I'm not hungry! j-just go away please.." I heard her say, I opened the door and saw her curled up in the corner of her room, her head between her knees crying. I quietly walked up to her, sitting down and rubbing her back slowly, she turned towards me and hugged me, crying into my shoulder. I was rubbing small circles on her back, I could hear her breathing slowing, and her sobs becoming quieter

"shhh, its okay Dakota... its okay, I'm here.." I spoke softly, still rubbing her back.
she slowly pulled away from our hug, I felt a bit upset about that, but glad she was feeling better.
"s-sorry you had to see that..." she muttered
"its alright, I don't mind. how are you feeling?" I asked softly
"better..." she said rubbing her eyes, I got up and reached my hand out to her
"we should go back to the living room, Wilbur is really worried about you" I said
"oh.. right.." she said frowning a bit

"Hey Tommy, Hey Kody" Wilbur said, he sounded slightly worried
"h-hey Wilbur..." Dakota said quietly, going over and sitting on the opposite side of the sofa from Wilbur, she pulled her knees up to her chest.
"do you guys want to watch a movie?" Wilbur asked
"sure, what should we watch?" I asked, Koda immediately perked up
"Oh! we could watch-" She started but Wilbur cut her off
"Dakota I swear to god if you say the maze runner I will leave" Wilbur said
"... nevermind.." she said, causing everyone to laugh
"can we at least watch some sort of thriller?" She added
"ehhh I dunno.. I'm not good when it comes to thrillers" I said

"aww is 'big man' Tommy too scared to watch a thriller?" she teased, smirking.
"what! of course not! I am a big man so I'm not scared!" I said
"okay while you two were bickering I chose a movie" Wilbur said, I didn't see what movie but based on the introduction for the movie I assumed it was a thriller, oh god.....

it had been a few minutes of the movie, I looked over to see Dakota paying a lot of attention to it.
another few minutes had passed and a jump scare happened.
"EEP!" Dakota yelped and grabbed my arm, hiding her face in my shoulder, causing me to blush wildly.
she slowly moved away, still holding on. every time a jump scared happened her grip on me tightened, and every time one happened I blushed more, and more.

when the movie was done I felt Wilbur nudge me slightly
"what?" I asked, he put his hand up to his mouth in a 'shushing' manner. he then pointed to Dakota who's eyes were slowly blinking, soon closing completely, her head slowly coming down and onto my shoulder.
"o-oh... uh shit, I'm going to bring her to her room." I said quietly
"alright, I'm going to head to bed. its getting late and we're meeting up with Phil tomorrow. do you know where you're sleeping?" wilbur asked, I nodded. slowly standing up and picking up Dakota with me.

I walked into her room, slowly lowering her into her bed, I tucked her in and started to leave
"Tom?" she said quietly, she sounded half asleep, which I'm assuming she was.
"yeah?" I whispered
"stay.." she muttered
"o-oh Koda I can't" I said, my face was heating up quickly. she huffed
"stay..!" she muttered, moving over and patting next to her on the bed
"Koda..."I sighed
"fine.." I walked over to the bed laying down next to her, praying Wilbur wouldn't find out.
"yaaayyyyy...!" she said, yawning. as soon as I laid down she hugged me, cuddling into my side, falling asleep again.

I laid there quickly falling into a quiet slumber

Clique, I know.

I've just spent a few hours sitting at my desk writing a bunch of chapters lmao I am exhausted

Go drink some water
Eat some food
and get some rest!
I'm really proud of you guys <3

words: 1193

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