Sleepy calls

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TW: ED, Start of a panic attack -((it ends before it can properly start))-
-((It's in most of the chapter so I'll put a summary at the end :] ))-

I woke up to a quiet knocking at my door, I lifted my head off my pillow, I must've fallen asleep when I had my mental breakdown earlier.

"Come in" I said drowsily. Wilbur walked into the room, with a plate of food and an Arizona iced tea.
"Do you think you could eat something for me?" Wilbur asked, sitting on my bed and putting the plate in my lap and handing me the iced tea.
"I can try... though I can't promise I'll finish it." I said, opening the iced tea.
"Thank you... I'm going to head down to my office to do a 'you laugh you lose' stream. call me if you need me." Wilbur said, standing up and walking out my door, closing it behind him.

I got up and walked over to my desk, starting up my computer. I might as well watch the stream. I have a video I want to show him, I could always show it via media share, it might get a laugh out of him.

~time skip cause I'm too lazy to write down the stream~

it was about two hours into the stream when I got a discord call notification, I paused the stream and opened discord.
"oh dear..." I said, accepting the call and turning on my camera.

"Hey, Tommy..." I said, waving shyly
"Hello, Dakota!" Tommy said happily, had he forgotten about earlier? or did it not affect him as much as Wilbur said? Or maybe it was all a dream! oh god, I hope it was...

"How was the drive back home?" I asked
"It was good, I miss you guys already though." Tommy pouted, causing me to laugh
"Don't laugh at my pain woman!" Tommy jokingly yelled
"But Tommy! your pain is funny!" I joked
"Oh, you bitch!" Tommy yelled, a big smile present on his face. I was laughing too, until  I saw the plate of food on my desk, still untouched.

My face fell, I knew Wilbur would be upset if I didn't eat anything, but on the other hand-
"Dakota?" Tommy said, snapping me out of my thoughts
"Huh? Pardon?" I said, fake smiling a bit, hoping he didn't see my face fall.
"You went quiet, and when I looked at the camera you looked sad." Tommy said softly. when he was checking up on someone or trying to calm someone down his entire attitude would change, he would become quieter when speaking, and had a sympathetic look in his eyes.

"Oh, Uhm yeah... Yeah, I'm fine Tommy." I said, forcing a smile
"Dakota... what's wrong?" Tommy asked
"I... I don't know how to put it into words..." I muttered
"Alright... can... can you show me?" Tommy asked, I smiled slightly. He was really worried...
I grabbed my camera and pointed it to the untouched food still resting on the plate.

"Koda-" Tommy started
"I know... I know... I 'need to eat or I'll get sick.' I understand that, I've heard it a million times!" I said, getting slightly frustrated, more so at myself. I moved the camera back and put my head in my hands.

"It's just... no matter how hard I try I just can't- I-" I broke down in tears, unable to contain them anymore. My breathing started to get heavy. Shit.
"Hey hey hey! calm down, okay? uh, look at me, alright? copy my breathing," I looked up at Tommy, my breathing getting heavier.
"deep breath in, hold, and exhale." He said. I copied him, and after a minute I was breathing more normally.
"s-sorry-" I started
"Don't apologize. Everyone gets upset, you aren't able to control emotions" Tommy said, he was pretty good at calming me down. 

~another time skip, sorry :[~

Tommy and I had been on call for a few hours now, talking about the most random things. and surprisingly the forehead kiss was never mentioned.

I yawned, it was around 11 pm for me, and I think the sleep deprivation was finally catching up to me.
"You tired?" Tommy asked, I slowly nodded.
"Kinda... I think no sleep for the past few months has *yawn* finally caught up on me" I said, my sentence didn't make much sense, my talking skills got like that when I was tired.

"Do you want to go to sleep? you sound really tired." Tommy laughed a bit.
"no... I want to keep talking to you..!' I said, yawning again. 
"We could always... erm... you could fall asleep on call with me...? if you'd like, obviously if you're uncomfortable with that or uh you don't want to-" I cut him off
"I'd love that Tommy." I said smiling. He looked surprised but smiled in the end.
"Alright, I'll call you back on my *yawn* phone..." I said, waving to the camera and ending the call.

I changed into some comfy clothing and grabbed my phone. calling Tommy, he answered almost immediately. I set my phone up on a pillow, so the camera was facing me.
"Hello, Mr. Innit" I smiled, yawning after.
"Hello, Mrs. Koda" Tommy smiled, it might have just been the camera quality but I could swear I saw a slight blush across Tommy's face. 

I pulled my blanket over me and cuddled into it, closing my eyes.
Tommy and I were idly chit-chatting, though after a bit I could feel sleep coming at me, so I let it take over, falling into a quiet slumber.

{Tommy POV}

"-tch! you almost drowned me! there could be sharks in the-" I heard light breathing, turning my head to look at my phone, seeing Koda had fallen asleep. she was beautiful when she was asleep...
"God I sound so creepy..." I laughed to myself. turning over and closing my eyes, falling asleep to Dakota's soft breathing.

SUMMARY: Tommy and Dakota were on call when Dakota got upset over the food Wilbur had previously brought her. she started tearing up and her breathing got heavy but Tommy noticed and helped her calm down. a bit later Dakota felt tired and Tommy asked if she wanted to sleep on call with him, she agreed and they did just that.


I don't fricking know how to end chapters wtf

Go eat, go drink, go sleep!
Love you <3 Am Proud <3

Words: 1035

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