Car Cuddles

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We had gotten back to Wilbur's and I's place, Tommy and I were laughing a bunch. I was apologizing to Wil for streaming on his pc, though I don't think he cared too much.

"How did you even get into my office?" He asked, Tommy and you glanced at each other and snickered
"well, remember when I asked to borrow your wallet for-" I started
"you're joking, and I gave it to you! oh my god Dakota" Wilbur shook his head
"What! it was funny!" I laughed
"yeah! and come on it wasn't all her fault, I encouraged her a bunch" Tommy said
"Oh my god Tommy you are such a simp mate" Phil laughed
"I AM NOT A SIMP I AM A BIG MAN!!" Tommy yelled
"Tommy, a big man can be a simp- wait who are you a simp for?" I asked

"... Dakota you can't be serious mate" Phil smirked at me
"wait- WAIT HOLD UP  A SEC-" I started, a small smile growing on my face
"NO NO ITS NOT LIKE THAT KODA- I UH SHIT-" Tommy was rambling about how he wasn't a simp, though I could see how his face was a bright red, it made me smile more.

TW slight mentions of Eating disorder

we had all been talking till it was dark outside, we decided to go out and get dinner before Phil and Tommy had to go, they were leaving early tomorrow morning.

"Hello! what can I get for you four today?" A waitress asked us. everyone had ordered except me, I had looked over to Wil and saw him look at me with a pleading look, I then looked at Tommy to see him looking at me with a slight worried expression, I felt bad, making them Worried...
"I'll just have a salad please..?" I asked, it was a light meal so I wouldn't have to eat a lot, it was healthy, and I would at least eat a bit without feeling like I'm overeating.

I looked back to Wilbur to see him looking relieved, then I looked back at Tommy, he had a small smile on his face, and he gave me a small thumbs up. when I looked at Phil he looked confused at Tommy and Wilbur, Wilbur looked at me.
"can I tell..? or would you prefer me to not..?" He asked quietly, I just slightly nodded
"its fine" I said quietly. Wilbur then leaned into Phils ear and whispered something I didn't hear. Phil looked kind of surprised, then smiled proudly at me.
"good job" he mouthed. I smiled slightly.

after a while our food came out, I looked at it nervously. I wanted to eat it to make the others happy but I was really nervous to eat still...

I felt an arm wrap around my waist, when I turned I saw Tommy looking at me, he whispered in my ear
"You can do this Koda, I believe in you." He whispered, it made my face heat up a lot, god I haven't felt this way in a while.. wait... last time I felt like this was with... do I have a- no no no.... I just broke up with Joseph, this is just a rebound crush, right? Right.....?

I grabbed the fork for the salad and took a small bite, finishing the bit on the fork. Feeling proud of myself, I looked over to Tommy, who smiled widely.
"Good job Dakota" He whispered.


after a little while I had finished about half of the salad, feeling really proud of myself.
I yawned slightly, feeling tired after everything we did today. Tommy had nudged me slightly, I looked over to him.
"we're leaving now, good job on finishing half of it. I'm really proud." he said smiling
"Alright Lovebirds lets go." Wilbur teased.
"s-shut up Wil" I muttered, scooting out the booth, letting Tommy out too.

I yawned as we got back into the car, it was about a thirty minute drive back to Wil and I's place, I buckled up and stretched. Tommy had slid into the car next to me.
"Wilburrrrr" Tommy whined
"What, child?" Wilbur said, pulling out of the parking lot
"I AM NOT A CHILD YOU BITCH I AM A BIG STRONG BIG MAN-" Tommy started, I nudged him, giving him an 'are you serious' look. he coughed slightly
"Uh can I play my music?" He asked
"Why don't we play the mix album? it has a bunch of songs you, Phil, Dakota, and I like? that way its not just nursery rhymes the whole way there" Wilbur said, causing Phil and I to snicker slightly
"OH COME ON- you know what, never mind.. just play the music" Tommy grumbled, though I saw a slight smile on his face.

after about 12 minutes later I could feel my eye lids getting heavy, I rested my head on the nearest thing, too tired to see what -or who- it was. my eyes fluttered shut as I fell into a peaceful sleep.

{Wilbur POV]

I pulled into the driveway, turning off the engine for my car when Phil nudged me, pointing to the back seat, where I saw Dakota resting on Tommy's chest, they were both asleep, Tommy's jacket was slung over the both of them, acting as a blanket.

I pulled into the driveway, turning off the engine for my car when Phil nudged me, pointing to the back seat, where I saw Dakota resting on Tommy's chest, they were both asleep, Tommy's jacket was slung over the both of them, acting as a blanket

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I aww'd at seeing them like that, snapping a quick picture to tease them about later, hopping out of the car and opening their car door
"Tommy, Tommy wake up mate" I whispered slightly shaking Tommy awake.
"hmm..?" He looked up at me, looking down slightly. As soon as he saw Koda his eyes widened
"s-shit uh- I-I'm sorry I didn't- I didn't-" He started stuttering
"Tommy, its okay. I trust you with her, I know you." I whispered
"now come on, lets go inside I'm cold. would you mind carrying her?" I asked
"o-of course" Tommy moved slightly, causing her to stir.

{Tommy POV}

I moved a bit more, she sat up slightly
"w-what *yawn* what happened..?" She asked, obviously still half asleep
"Nothing love, go back to sleep" I said, picking her up and walking to the door, Wilbur looked at me with a knowing look. I didn't even realized I just called her love...

I walked to her door, pushing it open slightly and laying her in her bed, she smiled at me as her eyes fluttered back closed, and her breathing slowed. she was asleep.

I walked into the guest room -where I was staying- and got changed into some sweatpants and a t-shirt. I flopped into the bed, thinking about what I said to her, 'Love', the word floated around my head till I fell asleep.



anyway how's your life going?
have you eaten today?
what about water? I mead its hydrate or die straight, so like go drink water >:I

Words: 1137

BTW this is unedited cause I'm too tired to edit

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