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My phones gotten worse Wtf do I do 😭


~Dakota POV~

I got woken up to Wilbur lightly shaking me, I opened my eyes slightly
"Huh? What'd I do?" I slurred, still sleepy
"We're going to go on a walk in about an hour, I was wondering if you wanted to come with?" Wilbur asked, I smiled tiredly at him
"Oh, sure." I said, throwing my legs off the side of the bed and stretching.

"Alright, come on out whenever you're ready." Wilbur said, leaving my room and surprisingly closing my door.

I got up and walked to my dresser, opening the drawers and pulling out some clothes, I quickly changed into it and walked over to my mirror to look over myself.

I got up and walked to my dresser, opening the drawers and pulling out some clothes, I quickly changed into it and walked over to my mirror to look over myself

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Thinking I looked alright, I walked out of my room and walked to the bathroom and did some light makeup. When I finished I walked to the living room where I saw Tommy and Wilbur on the couch.

"Morning boys." I smiled, sitting down in-between them and pulling out my phone.
"morning." they said in unison
"Max is in the shower, when they're out we'll leave." Wilbur said
"Alrighty." I responded, scrolling mindlessly through twitter.

bOOp @beedoestheart - 1d
someone tell me why tf I just saw @wilbursoot and @tommyinnit at a damn cat cafe--
- 126 replies - 84 rt - 2168 likes -

I laughed at the tweet, showing it to Wilbur and Tommy.
"they probably didn't recognize you or Max." Wilbur said
"Nah, probably not since we haven't face revealed."

I sent a reply back

Koda @koda_plays - just now
it was for my birthday :D
- 0 replies - 0 rt - 1 like -

"I'm out t- oh, good morning Koda!" Max exclaimed, smiling at me
"Morning Max. Are we ready to leave?" I asked, putting my phone away.
"I am." Max and Tommy said
"Yep, let me just grab something. you guys get your shoes on and stuff." Wilbur said, standing up and walking to his room.

I walked towards the door and grabbed my shoes, sliding them on and tying the laces.
Wilbur came out shortly after and put on his shoes. As soon as he was done we walked out the house.

"So... other then a walk, what do we have planned for the day?" I asked, Tommy looked down at the pavement, and Wilbur just shrugged.
"We could order in food and do a movie night?" Wilbur asked, I nodded and agreed, so did Max. Tommy stayed uncharacteristically quiet.
"Sounds like a plan!" I said enthusiastically.

my phone suddenly buzzed in my pocket, I grabbed it and opened it up to see a text from an unknown number.
"Ah crap..." I muttered, Max quickly looked over to me with a concerned look.
"I got a text from an unknown number, last time I got an unknown text it was Joseph." I said, gaining Wilbur and Tommy's attention.
"what does it say?" Tommy asked, a hint of aggression laced in his voice.
"uhhh... 'Hello! I'm not sure if you remember but-' OH WAIT ITS NOT JOSEPH WE'RE GOOD!" I let out a releived sigh.

"thank god..." Wilbur muttered
"who is it then?" Max asked
"We met at the skate park, they helped with my scrape." I said, showing the band aid on my arm.
"Ah, I see." They nodded.
"Oh- one thing they said was how they moved here from nottingham, and that they learned that a certain british streamer they watched was from here." I said, nudging Wilburs arm.
"Oh, well they must've been shocked to find out you were my sister." Wilbur laughed

'Uhm, well about that-" he cut me off
"you didn't tell them, did you?" He asked
"well... no, but-" he cut me off again
"Dakota... you realize the shock they're going to get if they ever find out. right?" He asked laughing
"I know! but it'll be funny!" I giggled, getting another text

"oh heck- they wanna know if I wanna meet them at the skate park again. What do I say?" I asked
"Well, we could give 'em the shock right now!" Max laughed a bit maliciously
"I'm down to scare some child." Tommy shrugged, smirking
"You are a child." the rest of us said in unison, causing Tommy to start yelling about how he wasn't a child, causing us all to laugh.
"Well, it's settled then. lets go shock the fuck out of them!" Wilbur laughed

We all started walking to the skate park, me and Max a bit ahead of Wilbur and Tommy.
After a few minutes we got to the skate park, I recognized them instantly, their hair and clothing standing out from the rest -in a good way, of course- they were on their phone.

"you guys ready?" I said quietly, trying to hold in my laughter
"hell yeah!" Max exclaimed
"Lets do this!" Tommy laughed
"I'm going to stay over here, and wait till they realize who I am. Tommy, stay with me?" Wilbur said, Tommy nodded and ushered us away.

"H-Hey!" I said, giggling quietly, Max quickly nudging my arm. Silently telling me to shush.
"Oh, hello! kody, right?" They asked, putting their phone away.
"Koda, actually." I said, they smiled awkwardly and apologized.
"S-so, uhm, this must be the friend you mentioned." They said, putting their hand out for Max to shake.
"Yep! the names Max." Max said, grabbing their hand and shaking enthusiastically.
"Uh, Skye!" Skye smiled, pulling their hand back.

"So how has your day be-" They stopped abruptly, staring at -who I assumed to be Wilbur and Tommy- their face becoming a light shade of red.
"Hm?" Max hummed, pursing their lips and trying to keep in laughter, doing a lot better then me.
"wh-what's wr- wrong-" I couldn't stop myself, I burst into laughter, covering my mouth and grabbing my stomach. they looked at me, confused.

"Wh-what?!" They said defensively, their face a brighter shade of red.
"I-I'm sorry- I'm sorry! I couldn't keep it in." I said, still wheezing.
"Why-Why're you laughing?" They asked
"Your face, you seemed so shocked to see Wilb-" they stopped me
"Hold up- you-you knew he was there!? ah he's walking over!" They gasped, looking back at him, then back to me, then again looking at him.
"Uhm, well he's kind of-" this time, Wilbur stopped me

"Hello there, darling." Wilbur smirked, Skye's face going impossibly more red.
"Uhm- I- hello-" their voice cracked mid sentence, they shoved their face into their hands
"Wilbur, when we agreed to shock them, we didn't mean flirt!!" I laughed, punching his arm lightly.
"when you- flirt? wait what is going on..????" They asked, clearly confused
"Well, ya see..." I started
"This kiddo right here, is my dearest little sister." Wilbur said, ruffling up my hair.


So sorry for not uploading much, I'm still moving and its kinda stressful :P
Please drink and eat something if you

haven't already <3

Words: 1159

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