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Y'all I've been obsessed with this song all week but it's not on Spotify😭

TW: Yelling, ED

I woke up fairly early that morning, I turned over towards my phone to see it dead.
"Damn battery... why didn't I charge it." I muttered, lazily flopping my legs over the side of my bed.
I reached over to my bedside table and grabbed my charger, plugging in my phone.

I got up and walked outside my door and to the kitchen, I saw Wilbur cooking something.
"Morning" I said with a yawn
"Oh, good morning Koda." Wilbur said back.
"Whatcha making?" I asked
"Eggs and toast, are you having?" Wilbur asked
"Oh uhm, no I'm good." I muttered

"Speaking of food, did you eat anything yesterday?"
He asked, moving the eggs off the stove.
"Oh uhh, I uh-" I stumbled over my word
"Koda!" Wilbur said, we made eye contact and oh boy he looked pissed.
"I'm sorry! I just uhh got distracted." I said, it was half true, at first I just didn't eat, then Tommy and I were on call which caused me to get distracted. For the most part, anyway.

"Distracted? Really? That's the best excuse you could come up with?" Wilbur said, sighing angrily
"I said I'm sorry! It's not my fault I can't do basic human things!" I yelled
"You should still try and do something about it! I can't have you getting sick, Koda!" Wilbur yelled, I could tell he was mad, he didn't yell at me often.

"I have tried! I've been trying for years! It's gotten me nowhere!" I screamed, my face had tears streaming down it, I always struggled to not cry when being yelled at, it's like something inside me just triggers.

"Dakota please, you've eaten more this week then I've seen in the past month. It is getting you somewhere." Wilbur said, a bit more calmly, but he still sounded angry.

"Just because I ate something yesterday, or the day before, or whenever doesn't mean I can eat today! It doesn't work like that Wilbur!" I said, I wasn't yelling but my voice was slightly raised.

Wilbur sighed. He continued to make his food.
"I'm sorry, okay? I've never experienced it before so I don't know how it works, I know it's hard for you. But you really don't think you can try eat?" Wilbur asked, I rolled my eyes. He really doesn't get it, does he?

"Oh my god, you idiot. You don't get it, and I'm starting to think you never will." I groaned, walking back to my room and closing the door.


I slammed my door and locked it.
I walked over to my computer turning it on and opening Spotify, I clicked shuffle on one of my playlist, not bothering to check which one.. The first song that played was Juliet by Cavetown.

I grabbed a sketch book of mine and opened to an empty page, i then grabbed a pen and started drawing, quietly singing along to the song.

'I need to cry, but I can't Get anything out of my eyes or my head, Did I die?'

I had drawn a small simple body sketch.

I need to run, but I can't Get out of bed for anyone
Not for you

I continued quietly singing along to the song

My sour boy is a pain I wanna shoot him in the brain But I'd miss him in the morning

I started doing the hair, continuously messing it up.

It really hurts
When I need to so bad, but I can't see her
My Juliet, my special girl

I was getting closer to finishing, so was the song.

I hope that she Looks at me and thinks "Shit, he is so pretty"

That was the line I really related to.

After a few minutes the song had finished, and I had added the final touches to the drawing.

After a few minutes the song had finished, and I had added the final touches to the drawing

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-((I didn't draw this, nor do I know who did))-

I sighed contently, though the more I look at the drawing, the more it looks like Tommy's minecraft skin.
"*sigh* why has he been on my mind so much recently..?" I said sighing.

I got up from my desk, taking off my headphones and pausing Spotify.
"I should go apologize to Will..." I said.
I slowly walked over to my door, unlocking it and going to the Will's room and knocking quietly on his door.

No response.

I went to the kitchen to look for him.


I checked the living room.

Also empty.

"Where on earth could he be..?" I sighed to myself.
I went back to my room and unplugged my phone.
I opened my phone to see a text from Wilbur.

"I'm going to my office to film, then getting some for dinner tonight. I won't be back till this evening."

I sighed, well that solves that then.
I went back to my desk and sat down, deciding to do some homework.


Hi, it's been a while.
So small update on my laptop: its completely done for, I mean unless I pay to get it fixed, but I don't have the money for that at the moment.

Sorry for the shorter chapter.

Love you guys <3

Words: 877

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