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I gently pushed Tommy out of my room.

Oh my god, I just kissed his forehead...
Why the hell did I do that!
Oh, he's going to hate me!
"Oh god oh god oh god" I cursed to myself

I heard the front door close, signalling Tommy had left.
I ran to my window and saw his car pulling out, I waved to him. even though he probably didn't see it. I heard a knock on my door, I walked over to it to see Wilbur.

"Dakota what did you do to Tommy?" He said laughing. a smug smile was present on his face.
"Wil I messed up." I said, walking over to Wilbur and plopping my head on his chest.
"Dakota... what did you do? He seemed happy so I can't imagine you did something wrong" He said, pulling me into a hug.
"Willllllll" I yelled, though it was muffled by his shirt.
"Wil I kissed his forehead... oh god he probably hates me! Wil what do I do?!" I asked frantically.

"Okay calm down," I walked to my gaming chair and plopped down onto it.
"Dakota you don't need to worry about him hating you, I can tell you right now made him like you more, not less-" He started, I shot up from my chair
"What do you mean 'like me more'?! Wilbur??" I asked, I was confused, what did he mean? like, like me romantically? or platonically?

"Dakota, I know you're oblivious but come on." He laughed
"Oh come on, Wilbur, I'm serious what do you mean?" I asked again
"Dakota... Tommy likes you... more than platonically." He said smiling.
"Wil this isn't a time to joke! He doesn't- why- why would he?!" I said. I was confused; why would Tommy like me, of all people! plus we haven't even known each other for that long...

"I'm not joking this time, you guys literally cuddled in the car-" He started
"W-what?! WE DID WHAT!?" I started pacing my room, did he actually like me?!
"y-yeah, on the way home from the restaurant. here I took a picture-" I interrupted again
"WHY WOULD YOU TAKE A PICTURE?!" I said, annoyed that he took a picture.
"Oh calm down Dakota, look" He showed me the picture, not gonna lie we did look cute- wait no no no I can't think like that!

"Aghhhh! Wil, you're making me think he actually feels like that! stop!" I said, walking over to my bed and flopping on it. I Shoved my face in my pillow and internally screamed.
"*sigh* I'll leave you to think about this for a bit. But he does feel that way, Koda." Wilbur said, walking out of my room and closing my door.

I've always been oblivious to others' feelings, especially if those feelings are towards me.
Maybe I should call him later and apologize for the kiss... even if it was just on the forehead my dumbass brain is going to make it the biggest deal ever.


Another short chapter, sorry 'bout that :P

Honestly, no clue where I'm going with this book x[

How's your life going?
Go hydrate
Go sleep
Go Eat

Love you weirdos <3

Words: 505

𝑀𝓎 𝐿𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 ❦ Tommy x OC❦Where stories live. Discover now