#6: I am only showing him what's mine.

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Chapter Six: "I am only showing him what's mine."

Meera did not dare to look up at him but she felt his burning gaze on her while they slow danced with everyone's attention on them.

Their close heights really did not help as Meera was 6'0 while Ajay was 6'1, making their proximity so close that Ajay's breath fanned her face like a gentle breeze.

She had not added a blusher but she certainly did not need one as blood rushed up her cheeks due to the situation she was in.

Ajay watched the colour of her cheeks slowly redden and smirked at his effect on her. He couldn't help but notice how his hands fit perfectly in the curve of her waist.

Soon, the guests started to join them on the dance floor, saving the couple from the pressure of the spotlight.

The music faded away as it ended and they broke apart from each other and steered themselves away from the dance floor.

"Well someone had a good time" Arvind teased as soon as Ajay and Meera joined their gang. The two simultaneously groaned, knowing that they will have to face countless teases from them, especially Arvind.

Ajay and Meera had made good use of Arvind and Ramya's engagement to tease them to no end. This was the perfect opportunity for his revenge and knowing Arvind, both Ajay and Meera were well aware that they would not be spared.

"Meera!" a voice called, saving her from her cousins. Roshan. Meera's face brightened up. Her best friend had come, for her. She rushed into his inviting arms in a bear hug.

"I thought you said you couldn't make it" she asked, her voice muffled by his shirt.

"I know but I just couldn't miss such an important day of yours. What kind of brother doesn't come to his sister's engagement" he replied as they broke apart.

Of course they weren't real siblings but that was how their friendship turned out to be, like siblings. Pure and platonic.

"Congratulations dude" Ajay said, turning to Ajay. "Thanks man" Ajay drawled but the two of them laughed as they shared one of those weird bro hugs.

Roshan was closest to Meera but he met her cousins and maintained good ties with them as well.

Meera was chatting away when she realised her father signaling something pointing at someone. She understood his message as soon as she saw who he was talking about.

Raghav Singhania, potential successor of Singhania Fashion House. Her father had planned out to request a collaboration with them to enhance both their fashion lines.

Meera did not particularly like him as he was way too flirty but she was going to be a business woman. She did not have long before she took over New K and her father's first task for her would be to secure this deal.

"Mr Singhania, pleasure to have you here" she started when she reached him.

"Oh no, the honour is all mine Miss D'Souza" he said, lifting her hand to his lips and pressing a kiss to her knuckles.

Meera did not like the way he looked at her but she was determined to ignore him. She would have face worse in future and if she can't even withstand this how will she achieve what she wants.

Unknown to her, Ajay was watching her from a distance, a deep frown etched onto his face.

"Jealous?" Roshan asked in a singsong voice.

"Wh-what of course not" Ajay denied unconvincingly.

"Cut the act already, I can see through it. Now man up and claim what's yours. Show him who she belongs to," Roshan encouraged. Ajay processed his words for a second and stalked off towards Meera and Raghav, not missing Roshan's smirk.

"Hey babe, I was looking for you" he called out once he reached her.

Meera looked at him as though he had grown a second head but he ignored it and introduced himself to Raghav who looked incredulously at him. Meera was even more shocked when she felt an arm firmly hold on to her waist. Ajay noticed how Raghav did not look pleased upon his arrival but that just made Ajay more motivated to stay.

Serves him right, he was the one flirting my girl

he thought but immediately shocked himself upon what he considered her as. His girl.

Meera subtly tried to brush his hand off her but it was too strong a hold to remove without causing a scene so she gave up trying.

"That's better" Ajay said into her ear, clearly pleased that she no longer tried to remove his grip on her. Meera gave him a short glare before continuing her conversation with Raghav.

Ajay tuned their conversation out as he was bored out of his mind. Business was not his cup of tea. He inherited a percentage of shares but that was about it.

Till the previous year, his father managed it while now the responsibility was passed on to his brother, Arjun who managed both Ajay's and his own stocks.

Ajay's profession was teaching while his passion was writing. He was a professor in a college. Though he loved to write he never published any of his works. Hell, he did not even let anyone read them. They were like his personal diary which he kept to himself, not revealing to anyone for the fear of being judged.

This got him thinking what Meera's passion was. All his cousins had clear dreams and had either achieved them or were working on them.

Arvind and Arjun had gotten the business genes in the family which was why they voluntarily wanted to work on the family's business.

Varun pursued his passion for art while Vijay was studying medicine to become a neurosurgeon though he still had a long way to go.

Nithya was a teacher-in-training for an elementary school. She loved kids and used to tutor her friends. She mixed her love for kids and ability to teach together to choose her profession.

Akash was a lawyer and Sweta was also following in her brother's footsteps, studying in the law field but instead she wanted to become a prosecutor.

Ramya was naturally not very studious but she was passionate about baking and with the help of her father, opened a bakery.

Meera just agreed to take over for her brother at the age of 14 when Varun had expressed his discontent in business and ever since she worked hard with only the goal of becoming a successful business woman in mind.

He was sure that she was meticulous and talented in the business sector but what did she really want to do? What were her desires? What does she love?

He had no idea and he was sure even Arjun, Nithya or even Roshan would be able to answer those questions.

His train of thoughts got cut when he felt Meera's body shift in his hold to shake hands with Raghav who was saying that he was looking forward to work with her.

"Sounds like that went well" Ajay said casually.

"Yes, it did now do you mind removing your hands off me before I punch you?" she asked sarcastically polite.

"Right," he said as he untangled his arm from her body. He didn't want to risk a broken nose or something.

"What was that for?" Meera deadpanned.

"I don't know what you're talking about, come on let's get a drink" he said, trying to divert her but she was perceptive enough to tell his intentions.

"Don't change the topic and do not feign innocence. What the hell are you doing, huh? Trying to play me or what? I know you hate me but do you have to-" she demanded when he cut her off by pulling her close to him by her waist. He was dangerously close to her as he spoke.

"You always jump to the worst conclusions don't you?" he asked, his eyes fiery as he looked into her eyes.

"I am only showing him what's mine" he whispered in her ear, her sparkly eyes looking at him, obviously not expecting that answer.

"Also, I don't hate you" he clarified. Meera was going to ask him for a clearer answer when she noticed a wave of hesitation wave over his eyes before he pressed a swift kiss on her cheek and walked away.

For the first time, the girl, who could never shut up, was dumbfounded, because of him.

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