#14: You're debatable.

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Chapter Fourteen: "You're debatable."

"Di, come on, tell me"

"Just drop it Sweta"

Sweta was pestering Meera about Ajay after being the one to let them out of the attic. She found Ajay lying on Meera's lap, of course she assumed that something was going on between them.

She got so excited to share the news with the others that Meera had to bribe her with a pair of earrings for Sweta to keep the information to herself.

But that was only enough to not let the tea spill. As soon as they reached their manor, Sweta dragged Meera into her room to interrogate her.

Sweta sighed. Meera was one stubborn woman, there was no way she would be able to get anything from her.

"What are you guys doing?" Vijay poked his head into Sweta's room.

"Girl talk," Sweta answered as Vijay sat himself between the to girls.

Meera felt a vibration from the side table where her phone was charging and reached out to check it out. A smile graced her face as she read the contact of the person texting her, blocking out Sweta and Vijay's conversation.

Quick question... If tomato is a fruit, is ketchup a smoothie?

What the hell...

It makes sense right?

Not in the slightest... but what's with the sudden question?

It is an ice breaker...
(2) Now that the ice is broken, I'll get to the real point of my conversation
(3) Meet me at the observatory
(4) Please?

Meera awed in her head. Never in her life has Ajay Mehra said please to her.

Sure, give me a min

Meera headed over to the observatory, excusing herself from the two younger ones saying that she was going to some fresh air in the garden. Vijay, being the diligent brother he was, offered to accompany her but didn't push it when she refused, saying she wanted some time alone.


Ajay turned around at her voice, his face lighting up at the sight of his fiancé.

"So, what did you want to talk about? Or did you just want to see my adorable face" she joked as the both of them took a seat on the couch.

"You? Adorable? Well, that's debatable" he teased with a rhyme.

"You're debatable" she defended lamely.

He chuckled before facing her, his face now a little more serious as he settled for a small smile.

"Just kidding," he said and moved on to the reason for the sudden meet up.

"As to why I asked you to come, I wanted to talk about us. We have been a little more open with each other and we both want this to work. So I thought we should address whatever it is between us instead of going with the flow blindly"

Meera listened to him explain. She had thought about it as well. They needed to know what direction they are going in.

"I want to start of as friends" she blurted out.


He did not look confused or shocked or anything. He looked genuinely curious as waited for her to continue, his positive reaction giving her a boost.

"Yea kind of, like get to know each other. We can explore the option of our real relationship as a couple together along the way. So technically not just friends but kind of?" she attempted at explaining but was sure that she failed. She did not know how to get her thoughts across but Ajay seemed to understand her.

"Of course, that's a good start" he agreed, smiling assuringly.

Meera smiled back, seeing the genuinity in his smile as he accepted her choice.

Just then a humming voice could be heard as someone walked into the observatory.


"Meera, there you are. Sweta told me you were in the garden but I could not find you there" he called out to her.

"Sorry to steal her away, Ajay. But dad wants to talk to her and this girl was not picking her phone" Varun apologised to Ajay who looked a little bewildered at how Varun was not at all surprised.

"Oh oh it's fine bhai, go ahead. I'll see you" Ajay replied, directing the last part to Meera who waved at him.

"Here darling," Varun said, passing her his phone with their father on the line. He gave her a small smile before following Ajay out of the observatory.

"Dad?" she said into the phone, walking towards the railing as she stared into the empty sky. She found herself doing that frequently nowadays.

"Meera, why aren't you answering my calls?" his low voice asked but not sternly.

"My phone's in charging dad, sorry. What's up?"

"We are moving the announcement date of your appointment as the CEO of New K to the night of the charity ball. Two days later, you will officially take over the office and a dinner will be held in your honour that night" he dropped a surprise bomb on her.

"WHAT? But dad, this is so soon, I was not supposed to take over until two months later" she reasoned.

"I know dear but trust me, you're ready. Remember Raghav? You met him at your engagement. He is the new chairperson of his company. Since you were the one who secured the deal with him, he wants to work with you. Sooner the better" her father assured her.

She calmed down a little. Her father was a business tycoon and very hard to please. If he thought she was ready, she must be.

"Alright dad, I trust you"

"Thank you dear, I love you and I just want the best for you" her dad said, making her smile. He may not be the best dad in the world, but he did love his daughter.

"I love you too dad"

Meera was about to hang up when he said, "Tell Ajay too, he's your fiancé, he must be there"

Meera's smiled widened at his name. She replied with a quick sure before hanging up. At least he will be there with her. He could not provide any assistance or guidance due to his limited knowledge of business ethics but he could provide her with moral support and that was what she needed.


"So I am also going to the charity ball?" Ajay questioned.

Meera nodded, suddenly scared that he would not want to go with her.

"And the official welcome dinner?" he asked again.

Meera nodded slowly, gauging his reaction as she watched him intently with nervousness. But he broke into a smile and said "Sure, I'll go with you", making her sigh in relief.

"Did you really think I would refuse?" he chuckled.

"I would never, if it's with you, I'll go anywhere Meera"

"Me too, I'll go anywhere with you" Meera said back. Not just because he said it, but because it was true. She really would go with him anywhere.

"Really? Then accompany me somewhere" he proposed after hearing her statement.

"Where?" She asked, curious as to where he possibly will ask her to go.

"A date"

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