#23: I'm such a delight.

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Chapter Twenty-Three: "I'm such a delight."

"What are you talking about? Meera, it has already been a few years this engagement was done, we can't just cancel the marriage" Meera's father said, shocked that Meera told him to cancel the engagement. How can it be done just like that?

"I know Dad, but both Nithya and Akash are disinterested. They used these few years to try it out but it never worked out. There is still time dad, you can talk to their parents. They'll listen to you," Meera said into the phone, trying to persuade her father.

Nithya and Akash had come to the conclusion that they won't work out. They couldn't look at the other that way. Hence, they had come to Meera for help.

They knew their parents would never listen to them if they say that they want to break the engagement since they are saying it four years after their engagement but they would listen to Meera.

She was by far the most successful among them and she was known to make the best decisions. There was always a reason behind what she did or said.

If anyone could help the two out, it would be Meera. So there she was, trying to help them.

If you're wondering why she was talking on the phone, she was in Los Angeles. She had initially planned to go on the business trip after the two weeks that Ajay was busy the project required immediate attention as one of the investors had backed off and she needed to replace him, so she had left alone while Ajay was dealing with his own work.

Since it had been four years since Nithya and Akash's engagement, their parents started asking about their plan for marriage. They thought there was no doubt in it as even after four years, the couple had not said anything.

Nithya and Akash did not want to bring more hope to their parents than they already had so they had asked Meera to help out as soon as possible who was thus talking to her father to do the task as she could not be there.

"Alright, but no promises" Meera's father sighed in defeat.

His daughter was stubborn and he could not really complain as she definitely got it from him. One of them had to give in and he did, well-aware of his daughter's love to win.

Meera was relieved. All the four pairs of parents held one another at high regard and would not ignore if someone brings up an objection; they valued all their opinions.

There was a high chance that the engagement would be broken just like Nithya and Akash wanted.


Meera glanced at her rolex on her wrist which showed 12.30am as she settled in her car, her driver driving her back to her resort. She had not realised the meeting had actually gone for so long.

Just then her phone rang, displaying Ajay's name which immediately brought a smile on her face.

"Ajay? Why are you calling now? Aren't you at work?" Meera said the moment she clicked the answer dial on her screen.

"Woah chill, I am heading back home. Exams were over an hour ago. It's my last day till the next semester," he said. It was 1pm in India which was normally way early for him to go back home.

"I see, how did you know I'd be awake?"

"Coz it's you Meera, I'd be surprised if you were asleep," he joked, hearing her scoff.

He laughed as he continued, "I actually called your PA like three times and he told me you were still in the meeting. I called him right before I called you, for the fourth time and he told me you just finished it. He didn't sound too pleased to talk to me the last time though".

"And I wonder why, I mean you only called like four times in the past half an hour," she said sarcasm dripping in her tone as she emphasised the word 'only'.

"I know right, I am such a delight. Anyway, how did it go?" he asked.

"Went well, I got an even better investor this time, so I'll be back soon. Probably in a two days, after all the formalities, that requires my physical presence, are done" she answered, tiredness evident in her voice. It had been a real long day for her and she was exhausted.

"Well, not surprised. My girl is undefeatable" he boasted.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence," she said, laughing a little which turned into a yawn. She tried to stifle it but it didn't miss Ajay's ears.

"Seems like you're tired, rest well" he said.

"No no no, I'm fine"

She didn't want to push him away like that. It was rare that they could talk and she did not want to cut it short.

"Babe, you need to sleep. Don't worry, you'll be here soon and we can talk then" he said, convincing her to rest.

"Alright, miss you, bye"

"Miss you too baby, bye"

Meera sighed as she made herself comfortable on the leather seats. She still had an hour to get to her hotel so she might as well go for a nap.


Ajay's heart nearly stopped, momentarily dropping the book he was holding as his ears tuned in to the news.

He, together with all their cousins, was gathered in Meera's house to surprise her once she comes home when the news reporter's words gave him shivers down his spine as tears sprang in his eyes.

"Celebrity business woman, Meera Jasmine D'Souza, CEO of New K, was in her private jet, returning from LA back to India, when the wing of the plane caught fire. Further details have yet to be received as the aviation force is focusing on landing the plane as soon as possible with least possible casualties..."

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