#9: Date?

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Chapter Nine: "Date."

"Meera?" Ajay called, looking at the girl focusing on the road as she drove.

It was currently 7 in the evening and they were coming back from Mr Raichand's house who could not stop gushing about how good they looked together.

"Hmm?" she hummed in response, her mind a little pre-occupied.

"Are you alright?"

Now that was unexpected. Her entire focus was now on his words. It had been so long since she heard that from him. The only time she could remember him asking her this question was when she was fifteen.

A guy in school kept stalking her and getting in her way. One day he decided to touch her and that was when Ajay lost it. He grabbed him by his collar and dragged him away from Meera and the two started fighting in the cafeteria.

The teachers had to break them up and had given them suspensions. Meera was going to apologise for getting him into this mess as she noticed the bruises on his face, when she for the first time heard the concern in his voice as he asked if she was okay.

She heard the same tenderness and concern in his voice now from eight years ago.

"Yea, why?" she asked, curious as to why he suddenly became worried.

His sudden moods drove her crazy. One instance he's upset and the next he acts like a clingy lover boy. Another instance he is goofy and the next he is worried or serious.

She was confused by all the different feelings he showed around her. It was unfamiliar.

"How long have you had not been eating properly?" he asked, coming straight to the point. Meera's eyes widened. Had he always been this perceptive? How did he even find out?

"What are you talking about? I am eating just fine," she played it cool, masking her surprise.

"Really? I don't think so after what I saw at Mr Raichand's house during lunch," he stated.

"I am fine I just did not feel like eating today," she tried deflecting again.

"All the time?" He asked, his voice becoming stronger, sensing her attempt to steer the conversation elsewhere.

"I saw you on the day our engagement was announced. You had barely touched your food. I didn't think much of it since I assumed it to be the shock or dislike of our sudden engagement. But during our formal dinner, you hardly even picked up your cutlery.

Your favourite butterscotch ice cream was right in front of you. The girl I know you to be is someone who could devour butterscotch ice cream no matter how full she was, but that night you only had two small spoons of it despite having an empty stomach.

Our engagement night? You drank a glass of champagne and that was it! I bought a sandwich and coffee this morning which right now sitting at your side, untouched. During lunch at Mr Raichand's house, you just pushed the pasta around with your fork till everyone finished. Do I have to state more?"

Meera was stunned as she heard those words flow out of his mouth so fast as if he had all the information at his fingertips. Did he really pay so much attention to her? He must have if he knows this by heart. 

"Do I have to answer every question of yours?" she asked, mimicking anger into her tone so as to distract him.

"God Meera! I'm literally giving you evidence and you still want to keep on deflecting?" he demanded, frustrated by her responses.

Meera flinched at his sudden switch of tone. Ajay noticed it and suddenly felt guilty for being so harsh. He really didn't mean to be so demanding. He was just worried about her.

"Hey, I am sorry. I am just worried about you. We may fight but I have always cared about you. And now, you're even more of my responsibility. You are my fiancé, whether you want to accept it or not. I know you're strong and independent, I've never doubted it but it wouldn't hurt to have me with you during your hardships for support, would it?" he elaborated, his tone more tender now.

"I get it if you do not want to say anything now. It's probably really hard for you and I will never be able truly understand your pain, but if you want someone to share it with, I'm here. I will always be" he added softly, looking into her eyes, meaning every word he said.

He was going to turn away when she said, "Thank you" in a small voice.

He gave her a smile which she attempted to return but Ajay understood why she couldn't smile. Meera always kept her problems to herself since young.

She would solve her issues on her own and never expected anyone to help her. She must have had been flustered as she was caught for the first time. He was willing to wait though, till she was ready to trust him.


"Back from your date?" Akash smirked as he saw Ajay and Meera walking in to the living room where their cousins were gathered.

"It was not a date," Meera replied flatly, not in the mood for Akash's teasing.

"Of course," Sweta voiced out, entering the living room and winking in Meera's direction.

Everyone had teasy smiles or smirks on their faces, looking at the couple who had taken a mini road trip together. Ajay noticed Meera was slightly off. She normally would have said something back but right now her mind was not there. Their conversation in this car must have hit a sore spot and their cousins were really not making her feel better.

"Let her be, come on Meera, you should rest" he said the last part to Meera, grabbing her by the elbow and leading her upstairs. Meera felt too numb to object and just went along with him.

Their cousins silently watched as Ajay slowly led her up. Most of their faces had shock registered on them except Varun, Vijay and Arvind.

Varun and Vijay knew their sister more than anyone else and they knew something was wrong. Arvind being the eldest was the most mature and observant.

One look at Meera, he understood that she was not in the mood. The three of them were more worried about her to care about whatever was between Ajay and Meera.

Vijay and Varun wanted to make sure Meera was okay but since Ajay was there, Arvind stopped the two from going up.


"Hey, I am sorry Meera" Ajay apologised softly, sitting down beside her on her bed. Meera's eyes widened as though she were surprised.

"What for?"

"For bringing that up, I shouldn't have but I was really worried"

Meera gave him a small smile and said, "It isn't your fault, I'll be fine, I just need to rest" she replied.

Ajay smiled back and turned to leave so that she would be able to sleep for awhile. Just as he was about to stand up from her bed, he heard her say,

"I'll tell you about it, someday. Now now but I will" she promised.

"Take your time, I'm not going anywhere" he promised back. He hesitated a bit before he held her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. A comforting gesture.

He flashed her a smile before turning off her lights and leaving her room, closing the door behind him.

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